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» [H3SW v0.8.2] Witch Hunt
Project Ironfist development line Icon_minitimeby Sir Albe 2024-11-01, 03:50

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Project Ironfist development line Icon_minitimeby Sir Albe 2024-10-31, 07:56

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Project Ironfist development line Icon_minitimeby badtoper 2024-10-31, 04:23

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Project Ironfist development line Icon_minitimeby Sir Albe 2024-10-28, 01:40

» fheroes2 General Announcements
Project Ironfist development line Icon_minitimeby sirDranik 2024-10-26, 22:46

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 Project Ironfist development line

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Messages : 780
Quality Points : 78
Registration Date : 2015-09-06

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PostSubject: Project Ironfist development line   Project Ironfist development line Icon_minitime2017-01-07, 03:25


Currently, you are working on including new creatures for the Cyborg faction, and certainly on the new castle that comes with.

Is the structure to add new factions and new castles, with the possibility of modifying the original buildings and adding new buildings, will be accessible via xml files, or will it be "hardcoded" in the first time?

What will be the next development? Artifacts, Secondary Skills, Spells, GUI with new possibilities, others?

Can you give us some information, even approximate, on when it is planned for release? Smile
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Master Modder
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Registration Date : 2014-12-27

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PostSubject: Re: Project Ironfist development line   Project Ironfist development line Icon_minitime2017-01-12, 11:57

Hello Unknown Hero!

We're working pretty hard now not just on the new faction but also on the new campaign and other features to support it. We've also done some preliminary work on a new campaign editor.

Without revealing spoilers, I will tell you that the Cyborg hero is special. His enemies haven't been slacking either, and will have some terrifying new spells to bring to the mix.

We're currently looking at a release late this year.

As far as our next release, with a new map and a new Cyborg creature: soon. Smile
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Messages : 780
Quality Points : 78
Registration Date : 2015-09-06

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PostSubject: Re: Project Ironfist development line   Project Ironfist development line Icon_minitime2017-01-14, 09:14

Hello Darmani, Smile

A campaign editor sounds great, map/campaign makers will love it, and it will brings more "awareness" to the project.

The only word I don't like in your post is "late"... Razz

Waiting for the new map. Very Happy
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Master Modder
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PostSubject: Re: Project Ironfist development line   Project Ironfist development line Icon_minitime2017-01-15, 16:29

A campaign editor sounds like a fantastic addition!

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PostSubject: Re: Project Ironfist development line   Project Ironfist development line Icon_minitime

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