Messages : 870 Quality Points : 457 Registration Date : 2015-07-16 Age : 29 Location : Aalborg, Denmark
Subject: [H3SW v0.8.2] Four Nations 2024-08-02, 05:50
Dear Enrothians, I hope you are enjoying the summer
As the nations of the world compete in the Olympic games, Four Nations compete in the HoMM I world of Enroth for control of an island.
We have begun fixing the remainder of the HoMM I maps that are still missing from H3SW, a this is the first one of the new batch. I hope you enjoy this old-school map.
Download Here and place the map in your H3SW map folder. The path is typically "..\HoMM 3 Complete\Mods\The Succession Wars 0.8.2\H2MP".
Four Nations Stranded on this island, the four kingdoms have divided the area. Number of players: (4 human) Map size: Map difficulty: Normal Victory condition: Loss condition: