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PostSubject: Re: H3SW General Discussion   H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 Icon_minitime2023-01-21, 07:17

Interesting how in there written no upgrade for Rogue, but in current version he actually can be upgraded into Bandit.

Necromancer, who loves making maps in games.
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Sir Albe
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PostSubject: Re: H3SW General Discussion   H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 Icon_minitime2023-01-21, 09:21

DanilaRud015 wrote:
Interesting how in there written no upgrade for Rogue, but in current version he actually can be upgraded into Bandit.

Yes, that is one of the exceptions I also mentioned. It made sense as we wanted the Rogue to fit it better with the Arabian theme (and also Ragoon's concept with the long knife and the scarf around his face was amazing!)

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Master Modder
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PostSubject: Re: H3SW General Discussion   H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 Icon_minitime2023-01-21, 09:43

Generally speaking, adding upgrades for the sake of upgrades is not the best solution. Even the Rogue upgrade feels a little bit weird when the game is played on a Heroes 2 map - perhaps it's just the fixed memory though.

Future upgrades (and balance changes thereof) should be created for the sake of the gameplay, and not in spite of it. It all depends on what role should the upgrade have at the proper stage of the game.

Planewalker wrote:
In keeping with the rough Heroes 2 design philosophy of providing upgrades for humanoid (or humanoid-shaped) creatures, are there upgrade plans for the Acolytes, Nomads, Anubites, and Death Knights?

As of now, there is no plans for such upgrades. The closest creature which might have it is the Toad (Witch's lineup) because the Witch lacks shooters and I once thought about spitting Toads so the creature changes the role. It's not set in stone though; the Witch gameplay in future should be predominantly oriented on its innate creature cursing abilities.

The Dervish gameplay, on the other hand, is not currently crystallized. It might be right to suggest some kind of a fast expansion gameplay, where Dervish is supposed to push forward like the Barbarian. In that case, upgrades are often omitted because there is no time or money for them. The creatures are more balanced than those of the Sorc or Warlock, and suitable for a quick push against a wide selection of neutral armies.
On the other hand, the concept and lore of the faction might suggest that the Dervish has the money.

H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 L18zg1M

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PostSubject: Re: H3SW General Discussion   H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 Icon_minitime2023-01-26, 14:26

I think the Witch lineup works with only one ranged unit, due to their unusual number of flyers with varied roles. Wasps are good strikers, toads are tanks, mantises are shock units, and wyverns are all-around strong.

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Master Modder
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PostSubject: Re: H3SW General Discussion   H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 Icon_minitime2023-01-26, 20:54

There is a huge possibility of Mantises being replaced by a new unit (Werewolves) in future. Will have to think about the possible combat role for the creature.

H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 L18zg1M

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PostSubject: Re: H3SW General Discussion   H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 Icon_minitime2023-01-27, 04:54

I found a "secret theme" im games files. Is it gonna be inferno music?
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PostSubject: Re: H3SW General Discussion   H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 Icon_minitime2023-01-28, 17:11

Orzie wrote:
There is a huge possibility of Mantises being replaced by a new unit (Werewolves) in future. Will have to think about the possible combat role for the creature.

Werewolves are cool, but for me, that would be somewhat sad. I love the mantises. They are a fun unit to mass, and they look amazing.
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Master Modder
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PostSubject: Re: H3SW General Discussion   H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 Icon_minitime2023-01-28, 23:14

While the Manti are to discover if they help the gameplay, they are a big problem in terms of faction design. The Witch lineup is currently overcrowded with mono-colored "big animals" instead of more dynamic "mythology meets pop culture" concept which is strong in Heroes 1/2. It's not that the Manti should disappear from the game completely (even when Werewolves will appear, one of the creatures will go to Neutrals), but we'll have to decide what's better for the game, all things considered. It's never easy, like it is with every new creature or alternative design, the game is already exploding from new concepts which don't fit to the original vision of H2 developers.

The initial design decision of the Manti was done because there were too less reasons to add Werewolves (we already had Wolves and Anubites to fill the wolf niche). However, since the new campaigns will be based on the good portion of Might and Magic VI plot and the Witch is supposed to take a certain firm role in it, there is an increased need for the wolf guys and the number of reasons to do that also increased.

H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 L18zg1M

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PostSubject: Re: H3SW General Discussion   H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 Icon_minitime2023-01-29, 17:11

Makes sense to me - you guys are doing a great job. I'll still be happy with such a well-designed project. Very Happy

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PostSubject: Re: H3SW General Discussion   H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 Icon_minitime2023-07-16, 06:10

Quick question that I didn't feel was worthy of it's own thread. Where is your castle music from? I thought they were just the original Heroes 2 castle tracks however I'm currently playing around with original Heroes 2 Gold and I'm getting completely different opera tracks to yours in my castles.. yet yours are familiar to me still.. so I'm all confused now lol. Can someone put me out of my misery?  H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 1f606
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PostSubject: Re: H3SW General Discussion   H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 Icon_minitime2023-07-18, 23:14

Heroes 2 had different versions of castle (and main menu theme) soundtracks. If you look at the vanilla The Succession Wars, you will get different opera themes. Heroes 2 Gold utilizes newer Heroes 2: The Price of Loyalty themes.

Heroes 2 Millenium edition features another (third one) theme for the Sorceress, which is used for our Dervish because it felt more fitting there.

H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 L18zg1M

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PostSubject: Re: H3SW General Discussion   H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 Icon_minitime2023-07-19, 02:47

Orzie wrote:
Heroes 2 had different versions of castle (and main menu theme) soundtracks. If you look at the vanilla The Succession Wars, you will get different opera themes. Heroes 2 Gold utilizes newer Heroes 2: The Price of Loyalty themes.

Heroes 2 Millenium edition features another (third one) theme for the Sorceress, which is used for our Dervish because it felt more fitting there.

Ahh that's why I recognised them! Back in the 90s I played the campaigns in the original Heroes 2 release, whereas in the decades since I've owned the Gold Edition based on Price of Loyalty and either forgotten or not noticed the change. Thank you for explaining that one. Now it makes sense!

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PostSubject: Re: H3SW General Discussion   H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 Icon_minitime2023-08-29, 13:06

On the Witch castle screen. Is there any plan to make the screen lighter or easier to view? It's extremely difficult to see the icons on the castle screen for the Witch castle and I'm not sure if it's my bad eyesight or it it's actually hard to see.
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Sir Albe
Sir Albe

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PostSubject: Re: H3SW General Discussion   H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 Icon_minitime2023-08-29, 20:48

The Witch town screen is outdated and it is our goal to make a new on at some point. Preliminary work on it has begun, but it is a rather big task, so don’t expect to see it soon.

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PostSubject: Re: H3SW General Discussion   H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 Icon_minitime2024-01-17, 04:29

Orzie wrote:
While the Manti are to discover if they help the gameplay, they are a big problem in terms of faction design. The Witch lineup is currently overcrowded with mono-colored "big animals" instead of more dynamic "mythology meets pop culture" concept which is strong in Heroes 1/2.

The mantis is too cool to go. Maybe replace the wasps with jaguar men, or werejaguars? That still leaves the Witch with a whopping 3 flyers, fits in well with the concept of different humanoid races living as allies alongside mythical beasts, jaguars aren't canids, and jaguar men are the embodiment of "mythology meets the nineties’ pop culture" (Action 52 and Hexen II, I am looking at you).

Make them fast and always first to strike even when retaliating, negating even the «no enemy retaliation» ability. Give them otherwise unremarkable stats. They’ll be like wolves but more on the «dare not touch me» side.

Werewolves would look too much like dumbed down gnolls while mantises are such a lovely comeback from Heroes IV that also possess a visual charm rivalled only by the Wizard’s boars. Wasps and Dragonflies felt like an unremarkable filler both in HoMM and M&M.

What about shifting some of the Toad’s palette to make it look less like a regular toad and more like a fantasy creature? Say giving it a red zebra paint job over the green base. Green and red is an uncomfortable color combo that’s very difficult to make look natural, but when done right it would look amazing.

H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 Aa4f77c9e723c57609155d1e702d6950

The Treant definitely should attack by swinging at the enemy with the spiky vines covering its arms and trunk (because, you know, it’s jungle and shiet, and the rule of cool).

Last edited by frog-sized-frog on 2024-01-17, 10:02; edited 1 time in total

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PostSubject: Re: H3SW General Discussion   H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 Icon_minitime2024-01-17, 09:20

Could Eagle Eye become a viable skill if it triggered a roll every time an enemy hero uses a spell in combat?

Like every time they cast something that our hero has the qualification to learn, there's a chance of instantly learning that spell right on the battlefield and you can use it right away in this very same battle.

Methinks this could be a more conservative (and fun) alternative to the Spell Research feature introduced in HotA.

Imagine intentionally jumping a much stronger enemy army merely to let the enemy hero spam Mass Slow or the like with the sole purpose of stealing a couple of their spells that you don't have in your Mage Guilds. Then you retreat, re-hire the hero from a tavern and use his Scholar skill to teach the stolen spell(s) to your other heroes.

The only way to counter Eagle Eye would be to learn Eagle Eye yourself, so that a bunch of spells stolen from you are recompensed by stealing some spells from the adversary in the meantime.

Also this opens up another interesting strategy of avoiding or limiting the use of your most prized spells in battles against known Eagle Eyers — especially if the player is sure he can win without them because even a defeated enemy hero will retain every stolen spell, one day returning with vengeance. The Scouting skill could also benefit from this mechanic because knowing if your enemy has Eagle Eye AND the required qualification to learn your best spells can be pivotal in your decision whether to risk using them in a battle you bet you could win otherwise. No Scouting = no way to see which skills the enemy has, now that's a gamble! Expert Scouting = ability to see an enemy's exact skill levels.

Longer, more massive battles would result in more spells learned from the enemy, scaling the usefulness of Eagle Eye as a game progresses.

To make things even more interesting, the chance to successfully steal a spell on each individual roll of the skill could exponentionally accumulate the more times the same spell is used by the enemy in combat, forcing the enemy to diversify their spell use as much as possible to minimize the chance for each individual spell to get stolen by the opposing Eagle Eyer.

One thing I don't like about Spell Research in HotA is that it allows pumping a player's resources to reroll the research options until you nail your spell roster in a single town the way you want it to be. I guess the feature was introduced mainly for PvP on some of the smaller maps where missing out on a specific spell in your measly couple of towns could pretty much spell a painful delayed defeat. On larger maps with tons of mines this could easily be abused early-to-mid game to convert excess resources into a critical advantage.

Utilizing Eagle Eye in the same capacity takes the resources out of the equation and makes the whole mechanic map-agnostic, incentivizing more combat encounters and making even defeats meaningful.

There has been much debate in the community whether certain spells are ridiculously OP and game breakers, now with Eagle Eye overhauled spamming any spell will eventually end up with it landing in every other player's spellbook — especially if H3SW one day adopts a magic system without strict division between the schools of magic. Also literally every spell in the game will be inherently more useful because the more you diversify your spell use, the fewer spells the enemy Eagle Eyers will steal.

H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 EAGLE-EYE

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Sir Albe
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PostSubject: Re: H3SW General Discussion   H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 Icon_minitime2024-05-31, 07:46

For those who haven't seen it yet, the newest member of the H3SW Team is called void_17 and he is responsible for the future technical state of H3SW. The team is excited to announce that...

👑 HoMM 3: The Succession Wars goes standalone! 👑
Throughout our long mutual history, you could see the project in various shapes. Starting as a WoG-based partial conversion, we restructured the game several times, changing platforms and teams, and now we are ready for the final evolution.
Since the v0.9 beta, which is currently in development, the game will no longer be based on the WoG/ERA engine. This was a hard decision, and we knew the drawbacks all too well. However, this brings us better optimization, less bugs, and a completely new horizon in adding new features. What's even more important, it propels the project into rocket motion.
Sounds nice? But wait... there's more!

🔮 Official HD mod integration. Buttons, quality-of-life improvements, graphics filters, binary interoperability, etc. In future, HD Mod is going to officially support Heroes 3: The Succession Wars add-on!
🗺 New map/savegame format. This would render old maps and savegames useless. However, it is planned that the map editor will include a converter from the WoG format to the new one. This also makes possible converting classic Heroes maps properly as well as making new maps through a more pleasant process. Did we mention campaigns before?
🎨 Tons of new graphics of exceptional quality, as well as improvements over old graphics and visual effects.

Now, what's to know about the technical side?

The system requirements will arise. The minimal environment to run the game will be as follows:
🖥OS: Windows XP SP3
⚙CPU: Intel Pentium 4 or any x86 CPU with the SSE2 support;
💽Disk: At least 1 GB of free space;
💾RAM: 400 MB of RAM, 200 MB maximum to be used by the game.

We are excited to see what this stage of our life will bring us all.
Praise Enroth!

Also here is a little clip for you all:
H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 4

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PostSubject: sphinx clouds of xeen   H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 Icon_minitime2024-08-24, 01:55

please someone can help me to solve sphinx of clouds of xeen map? Thank u
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Sir Albe
Sir Albe

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PostSubject: Re: H3SW General Discussion   H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 Icon_minitime2024-08-26, 06:43

mORISman wrote:
please someone can help me to solve sphinx of clouds of xeen map? Thank u

I am afraid that the Sphinxes are not yet working correctly, but only act as they do in H3 WoG. You can find all the riddles of the WoG Sphinx Here. We will hopefully fix the Sphinxes for a future version of H3SW.
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PostSubject: Re: H3SW General Discussion   H3SW General Discussion - Page 14 Icon_minitime2024-08-27, 07:22

Sir Albe wrote:
mORISman wrote:
please someone can help me to solve sphinx of clouds of xeen map? Thank u

I am afraid that the Sphinxes are not yet working correctly, but only act as they do in H3 WoG. You can find all the riddles of the WoG Sphinx Here. We will hopefully fix the Sphinxes for a future version of H3SW.

I don't want sphinx work well, I would only solve the riddles of "clouds of xeen". I did some reasoning, but I have some doubts for english language. Link u have post me, doesn't included clouds of xeen riddles.
In any case thank you for reply me
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