Messages : 2166 Quality Points : 843 Registration Date : 2014-12-12 Age : 32 Location : Turkey
Subject: Heroes III: The Succession Wars v0.8.1 Beta 2019-02-02, 11:01
H3SW v0.8.1 beta Released: February 1st, 2019.
Download: Download the mod from Mod Database Download the mod from Dropbox Download the mod from Google Drive
Installation: 1. Download H3SW v0.8.1 installer. 2. Unpack the modification to the game (Heroes 3: SoD or Heroes Complete) directory. 3. Launch h3sw.exe for the game and h3swmaped.exe for the map editor.
HD Mod:
Heroes 3: The Succession Wars Mod is partially compatible with HD Mod. Users who prefer HD Mod can install it over H3SW v0.8.1 and enjoy many of its features. Note that:
1. HD Mod must be installed over the game+H3SW chain. If you mess up the installation order, you will have to do some more additional actions to fix the situation. See below.
2. To adjust HD Mod settings you need to find the era.ini file: /Mods/The Succession Wars 0.8.1/_HD3_Data/Settings/era.ini To change the in-game resolution from 800х600 to a desired one and to change the HD Mod graphics mode, you will need to manually change the lines and . IMPORTANT: changing these settings in the HD Mod Launcher will not do anything!
3. Recommended HD Mod Settings: = from 800х600 (native) to 1440х900 (depends on your monitor width). You also can experiment with the resolution, but keep in mind that too many bright elements on the screen will not be comfortable for playing. = 2 (32 bit GDI) or 0 (16 bit). You also can try other modes, but we do not recommend using 32 bit True because it leads to problems with in-game fonts display and causes instability in the game. = 0. Do not turn on system cursors! They lead to instability of the game on some computers.
4. HD Mod Tweaks Players who are used to can try to turn this tweak back on, but be warned that some in-game messages in H3SW v0.8.1 are not optimized for it. Due to all in-game messages being different from vanilla Heroes 3, we recommend at least to check them out Other tweaks are not recommended for changing.
5. HD+ Currently, the HD+ functionality is not accessible for the ERA platform due to the decision of HD Mod creator. Be warned that there will be no online lobby, fast army management or other newest mechanics of HD Mod. We sincerely hope that the situation will change in future.
6. Launching H3SW+HD To launch H3SW+HD Mod you will need to use the HD Launcher or to create an HD executable with it for the h3sw.exe file. WARNING: launching the game with standard h3sw.exe can lead to crashes on some computers, so use the HD Mod executable instead.
Experienced users: Installation of H3SW in the same folder with HotA and/or HD Mod If you are not afraid of possible problems, you can try to install H3SW v0.8.1 in an already existing HoMM3 directory. However, be warned that the abovementioned modifications all contain conflicting versions of the patcher_x86.dll file. If you install H3SW over everything, you will have to update HD Mod accordingly in order to have all 3 modifications working properly. Uninstallation of HotA or HD from the game directory leads to the deletion of patcher_x86.dll and leads to the necessity of re-installing H3SW.
IMPORTANT: if you encounter a critical bug (crash) and wish to let us know of it, please specify your installation order. Currently, we are not 100% aware if HotA and H3SW can be installed in the same game folder without problems. IMPORTANT: Automatic uninstallation of H3SW v0.8.1 is currently impossible. This is why we still recommend using a separate game directory to avoid possible problems.
Shadow Guild: Doubled the resource awards except Gold
Daemon Cave: Removed the bank state containing Devils
============= MISCELLANEOUS =============
+: Fixed the Knight stacks bug in AI-controlled garrisons +: Fixed spelling mistake of adv. map Archery Range (zcrgn1.txt) +: Change sprite of "Weakness" spell from H1-H2 "Paralyze" sprite to new design (Rialdo's spec) (SpellInt.def, SpellScr.def, SPELLS.def) +: Fixed a critical bug with Eagle Eye (0x004446E1) +: Fixed bug of Beholder's dwelling belonging to Medusas +: Removed Heretic heroes from Jails +: Fixed crash on enemy turn (EIP = 0x00432EAF) +: Restored hero movement points to their H3 levels +: Fixed Sorceress Mage Guild level 2 glitching +: Fixed wrong passability of "Tree City" (Sprite external dwelling) +: Fixed text description of "Crystal Garden" (Sprite growth booster) from giving an increase of 8 to 10 sprites +: Fixed game crash after hovering of Crystal Garden +: Changed name of Titan's Lightning Bolt to Ancient's Weapon (special Ultimate Staff spell) +: Fixed typo in the Tomb of the Unknown Hero adventure message +: Adjusted Heretic building icons so it's more clear that it's not done +: Fixed the building icons of Red Tower and Black Tower +: Changed the type 17 subtype 62/63 names so that we won't mix them up with native Dervish dwellings anymore (now Rust/Crystal Dragon Dwellings) +: Fixed spelling mistake of adv. map Archery Range (zcrgn1.txt) +: Fixed a bug where human players could start as Heretic if set as Random +: Fixed switch up between the sprites of "Mirth", "Sorrow" and "Fortune" spells +: Fixed description for Magic Well building in Warlock towns +: Fixed wrong town hall backgrounds with HD in Knight and Sorceress towns +: Added Lord Corlagon's portrait to its rightful place +: Improved Adventure Map interface (imana.def, imobil.def) +: Reduced instances of Heretic (only some grey towns on Ring and Dragons are generated now) +: Changed terrain affiliation for map objects: AVLmoss0.def, avlxsw05.def, avxcfsn0.def +: Fixed Sand background for Sorc/Warlock/Barb villages + Barb castle +: Removed Cartographers from Random Maps +: Added new graphics for Altar of Sacrifice +: Updated credits and put version number on main menu screen +: New Finbros portrait by Docent Picolan +: Fixed mini-version of Sonnie portrait
+: Implemented new Learning skill percentages +: Fixed Spell Scrolls +: Fixed Tax Lien, Traveler's Boots of Mobility, Wizard's Hat, Enchanted Hourglass +: Fixed Fizbin of Disgrace effect graphics +: Removed Cursed Artifacts from being wearable at all (Arm of the Martyr, Broach of Shielding are not included there) +: Fixed Zam's specialty +: Fixed Estates secondary skill +: Fixed Enchanted Turnshoes description twice +: Fixed Draconia's Secondary Skill (was not Estates despite the specialty) +: Fixed Arturius' specialty name +: Fixed crash EIP=0x0061E002 related to Diplomacy malfunction +: Made Statue of Legion a legit working combo artifact, but taking only 1 slot and not available to be disassembled +: Implemented new backgrounds for cursed artifacts +: Fixed improper display of Tactics skill effect in siege +: Assigned 10000 Gold for the Golden Goose +: Reimplemented a morale debuff for Arm of the Martyr +: Fixed Necromancy skill percentages (skill, shrines, spade of necromancy) +: Fixed Wizard's Hat: was not wearable on Head slot +: Fixed description typos for some artifacts +: Reassigned general attack artifact bonuses: from 1,1,2,2,3,4,9 to 1,2,3,4,5,6,9 +: Reassigned general defense artifact bonuses: from 1,1,2,2,3,4,9 to 1,2,3,4,5,6,9 +: Set Sphere of Negation as Special artifact +: Fixed descriptions for Endless Cord of Wood and Endless Cart of Ore +: Changed artifact costs 6000 to 8000 for Divine Breastplate of Protection 1000 to 2000 for Mage's Ring of Power 1000 to 2000 for Minor Scroll of Knowledge 12000 to 6000 for White Pearl 16000 to 10000 for Black Pearl 5000 to 7500 for Crystal Ball
+: TEST - removed UAs from appearing in the game besides grail digging and pre-set maps +: TEST - removed Battle Garb of Anduran from appearing in v0.8.1
+: Fixed "no morale" flag for both Golems +: Shortened the description for Medusa Queens +: Changed Goblin damage from 2-3 to 1-2 (fix from previous version) +: Modified the ability description for Acolytes, corresponding to what is in the game. +: Change name of Crossbowman spelling from "Cross Bowman" to "Crossbowman" +: Fixed description of Iron and Steel Golem to correctly express spell damage resistance percentage
Reimplemented AI values and Fight Values for all creatures. Reimplemented creature pack sizes prior to new values.
+: Removed Wizard's "Lookout Tower" from being available in game +: Modified the description of Fortifications +: Fixed in-Mage Guild screen for Witch and Dervish +: Fixed the bug with AI players building restricted upgrades +: Implemented the ability to build Black Tower for AI +: Fixed bug with Green Dragons being unavailable to be upgraded if Black Tower is built +: Fixed bug with unlimited Green Dragons +: Green Tower on map now produces Green Dragons, not Red ones; bonus growth in castle fixed +: Assigned Fire Elementals and Devils for the Heretic town
======================= SPELLS AND MAGIC SYSTEM =======================
+: Replaced Sand Theme (a kind one) with a neutral one from Might&Magic 7 which more or less fits both underground and coastal area +: Filled Witch castle theme with a placeholder of generic Swamp theme because some people are confused +: Updated sounds for map objects: MYSTERY, NOMAD, GRAVEYARD, DRAGON, CAVEHEAD, Flagmine/GENIE/STORE, QUEST, ROGUE, TEMPLE, FAERIE/CLIMAX +: Updated sounds for spells: DECAY, FIREWALL, FORTUNE, MIRTH, PROTECTA, PROTECTE, PROTECTF, PROTECTW, WATRWALK +: Updated sounds for creatures: Death Knight walk, Anubite walk/hit/death/attk/dfnd (also made sure Anubites have new sound name in zcrtrait.txt)
================== MAPS AND CAMPAIGNS ==================
+: Fixed wrong Halfling Hole in "Dragon Orb" +: Fixed blocking flowers (32,79) in "Monk's Retreat" + Allied version +: Fixed shipyard (81,38) producing unreachable ships and unpassable road (140,93) in "A Viking We Shall Go" +: Fixed various bugs in "Wizard's Land" scenarios +: Fixed switch Vampire and Death Knight dwelling in "A Viking We Shall Go" +: Fixed bugged dwelling and wrong Beholder dwelling in "Titan's Winter" +: Fixed passability for H3 maps +: Added new maps: II - Colossal Cavern, II - Pirate Utopia +: Fixed wrong/broken objects in maps +: Fixed joinable Ghosts and castle build orders in II - Alteris and II - Alteris2 +: Fixed garrisons in "Monk's Retreat" (+ Allied version) having swordsmen instead of druids +: Fixed impassable area in I - Castle Slayer
+: Made adjustments for An Unexpected Visit map. The starting hero received Adv. Pathfinding at start, because it did not make any sense to play with him instead of digging a Barbarian to navigate freely on the snowland area which is native to no faction. Also replaced some "alternative" objects with their conventional graphics in order to not confuse people who are used to standard functionality of the graphics. Also replaced the Ultimate Sword with something more humble (Sword Breaker).
+: Extensively fixed and rebalanced the II - Colossal Cavern map. Higher tier creatures are harder to join, castles cannot generate a lot of money, Ghosts cannot be joined, all banks are in place, restored the ability to move for Lucretia (Red Player), various fixes here and there. Note: now there are additional events taking money away from the player.
+: TEST - implemented single class feature (EraEditor folder) +: TEST - color cycling in mapeditor (EraEditor folder) +: TEST - Fixed building trees in mapeditor (EraEditor folder)
====== HD MOD ======
+: Added file dummies to negate the forced Fix.Cosmetic=1 option from HD Mod. +: Reimplemented custom template and custom alliances menus +: Fixed the Crystal Ball texts (were in Cyrillic and described wrong Diplomacy effect)
Thanks for the update! I'm curious what was the problem with AI buying knight units out of nowhere. Is there some interesting nerd story about that bug?
Orzie Master Modder
Messages : 2166 Quality Points : 843 Registration Date : 2014-12-12 Age : 32 Location : Turkey
Basically, when you mod a game, you have to interfere with some procedures occuring in the EXE file. When you touch the wrong procedure, it becomes broken, and many wonderful things can happen.
Earlier implementation of Dragons was tickling the AI in the wrong way, so there was a handful of problems in v0.8.0. Some people reported the Knight stacks appearing from nowhere a nice challenge, but this is not how we meant the game to be played for sure.
AvalancheExiaR2 Peasant
Messages : 2 Quality Points : 1 Registration Date : 2015-11-20 Age : 31 Location : Bangkok, Thailand
h3sw.exe it's running Heroes 3 In the wake of god instead this, but this not happened on v0.8.0.
You were not supposed to install v0.8.1 over v0.8.0.
But, you can fix the situation easily. Change the contents of list.txt which is located in the Mods folder:
WoG The Succession Wars 0.8.1
Or, you can simply delete the Mods folder and uninstall HD Mod. After that, you can install H3SW v0.8.1 with no problems. HD Mod is no longer required for playing the game, but still recommended to get rid of some crashes related to old Heroes 3 sound library.
feanor Master Modder
Messages : 55 Quality Points : 65 Registration Date : 2015-06-30 Location : Arkhangel'sk, Russia
Thanks for the update! I'm curious what was the problem with AI buying knight units out of nowhere. Is there some interesting nerd story about that bug?
Nothing so interesting.
"There are 2 hard problems in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-1 errors"(c) Leon Bambrick.
That was the third case. Third upgrade was made by merging some old alterbranches code (basically, when Black Tower is built, town just switches to Red Dragon - Black Dragon pair of 7 lvl units instead of Green Dragon - Red Dragon one). And in one of its numerous routines I used wrong stack offset, something like [ebp+16] instead of [ebp+12], so, when AI looks into dwellings, in some cases he can see not valid creature id, but town type id (0 - Knights but also peasants, 2 - Wizard but also archers etc).
qlczas_PL Pikeman
Messages : 38 Quality Points : 20 Registration Date : 2016-12-21 Age : 38 Location : Cracow
Subject: 8.1 works on Android Exagear 2019-02-15, 19:05
First thing, Congrats to Orzie and the whole dev team for the 8.0 release and fast 8.1 bugfixes release
I was off for some time but I've managed to install latest 8.1 version and WITHOUT HD Mod (just H3 Complete + 8.1 mod) it is working on Exagear Strategies on my Samsung J7 Android phone
So hopefully I will have some time now to test the new version more thoroughly
Galaad Elf
Messages : 103 Quality Points : 85 Registration Date : 2015-01-06 Age : 38 Location : Paris, France
I just started this up, unsure of what to expect...
This is amazing!
And, pff, photo quality. Who cares about something like that. It's proof you're enjoying the experience!
So, my question to Succession Warriors - are you looking for someone to maybe stencil in background descriptions... For heroes, artefacts, etcetera? Obviously, I'd rewrite them to comply with whomever came up with heroes, but...
The Witch town is great. I love it. I'm loving this. Can't wait to try a Dervish hero next!
Edited to note that my first artifact, my very first - the Fizbin of Dishonour. I could cry from happiness. The real HoMM II starts here.
Edited again - I can't remove the 'black box' effect; I'm using the HD mod, and my era.ini settings are 1920x1080 and 0 (16-bit). In fact, I can't seem to change in-game resolution at all. Any ideas?
Galaad Elf
Messages : 103 Quality Points : 85 Registration Date : 2015-01-06 Age : 38 Location : Paris, France
Edited again - I can't remove the 'black box' effect; I'm using the HD mod, and my era.ini settings are 1920x1080 and 0 (16-bit). In fact, I can't seem to change in-game resolution at all. Any ideas?
Hm, while I couldn't change the HD settings via the GUI, I could do it by manually editing the ini file. Orzie had written instructions about this somewhere, but I can't seem to find it again.
Orzie Master Modder
Messages : 2166 Quality Points : 843 Registration Date : 2014-12-12 Age : 32 Location : Turkey
So, my question to Succession Warriors - are you looking for someone to maybe stencil in background descriptions... For heroes, artefacts, etcetera? Obviously, I'd rewrite them to comply with whomever came up with heroes, but...
Currently, we have documentation in a closed format because the game constantly changes. I still slowly transfer the info from the design document to an online place. Some of the actual stuff is listed on our Russian forum branch, like the Secondary Skills topic (see H3SW: Вторичные навыки), but I don't have a translated version yet. Currently I prefer to spend my scarce free time on actual development.
Galaad wrote:
arborist wrote:
Edited again - I can't remove the 'black box' effect; I'm using the HD mod, and my era.ini settings are 1920x1080 and 0 (16-bit). In fact, I can't seem to change in-game resolution at all. Any ideas?
Hm, while I couldn't change the HD settings via the GUI, I could do it by manually editing the ini file. Orzie had written instructions about this somewhere, but I can't seem to find it again.
Gentlemen, just look carefully at the first post of this very topic. The instruction is right there.
Basically, until we get a more decent support from the HD Mod creator, the settings have to be changed in a special .ini file instead of HD Mod Launcher directly. This is due to the fact that current versions of HD Mod apply some incompatible settings for h3sw.exe by default and people are complaining about bugs instead of reading the instruction on how to apply HD Mod settings properly. That's how it was in v0.8.0 at least. So, I decided to turn the tables a bit for v0.8.1, making it more failsafe.
GodRage Webmaster
Messages : 1051 Quality Points : 229 Registration Date : 2009-09-21 Location : France
Thanks for that. Like with v0.8.0, I was in a bit of a hurry.
krillep Skeleton
Messages : 6 Quality Points : 3 Registration Date : 2018-12-24 Age : 29
Subject: updates 2020-06-20, 07:46
Any updates on the project? Almost been one and a half year since 0.8.1 :/ I see someone asking a similar question all the way back in april on the Facebook page with no response, so of course it starts to make me a little worried
Orzie Master Modder
Messages : 2166 Quality Points : 843 Registration Date : 2014-12-12 Age : 32 Location : Turkey
Currently, we are working on v0.8.2 update, which is primarily focused towards adding classic Heroes 2 campaigns to the game. But, some other cool stuff will be also included.
I admit that it was a great while between releases, but that's how life was in the recent months. It's still unclear if there will be a known release date soon, but I think we can try to bring something to the table this year.
Anyway when you click 'L' to load save during castle siege something weird appear - screen flickering sometimes with siege & load in the loop it's changing every 0.5 sec and you can't do anything beside restart the game.
Sir Albe likes this post
Tibor0803 Nomad
Messages : 80 Quality Points : 21 Registration Date : 2015-08-09 Age : 33 Location : Budapest, Hungary
Hello guys, it's been a while I posted anything here on this forum, the last time. I found an interesting error I believed it was fixed with v0.8.1 but it wasn't. This crash occurs when your army is powerful, you have Expert diplomacy skill and when you use Visions spell and right click a weaker monster than your army and is likely they would join you, then this happens:
As far as I remember when v0.8.0 came out freshly in it's time, the exact same type of crash I had to witness just by right clicking without visions spell, but with Basic Diplomacy skill occured a similar crash like this.
Orzie likes this post
Orzie Master Modder
Messages : 2166 Quality Points : 843 Registration Date : 2014-12-12 Age : 32 Location : Turkey
Thanks for the info. I kindly ask you to create a thread in our "bug reports" subforum including the following information:
- Your operating system - Version of HD Mod you are using (if any) - Version of the game you are using (SoD, Heroes Complete) - Language of the game you are using (English, other)
This information is crucial for the reproduction of the bug. With recent HD Mod updates, some of our programming adjustments stopped working because reasons. In some cases, it's not our fault, but the issue should be taken care of anyways.
Mefista and apocalypse like this post
Tibor0803 Nomad
Messages : 80 Quality Points : 21 Registration Date : 2015-08-09 Age : 33 Location : Budapest, Hungary
Thanks for the info. I kindly ask you to create a thread in our "bug reports" subforum including the following information:
- Your operating system - Version of HD Mod you are using (if any) - Version of the game you are using (SoD, Heroes Complete) - Language of the game you are using (English, other)
This information is crucial for the reproduction of the bug. With recent HD Mod updates, some of our programming adjustments stopped working because reasons. In some cases, it's not our fault, but the issue should be taken care of anyways.
Is there a way for me to check if I use HD mod for SW mod and what version I posess? It was not today I installed the entire set of H3SW mod.
Nigel Gargoyle
Messages : 13 Quality Points : 0 Registration Date : 2021-07-25 Age : 35 Location : Poland