On a fresh install of Ironfist 1.3.0 (the 16th of October 2018 version).
Open the Sorrow's End map and attack the treants guarding the mage's ring.
- Code:
Unexpected Program Termination
ResMgr::PointToFile failure! ThisFileId:1582269167
LastFileId:1582269167 LastFileName:dendshot.82M
The game just crashes afterwards. A little bit more research and I found this in the creatures.xml file:
- Code:
<creature id="77" name-singular="treant" name-plural="treants" icn="treant.icn" frm="dend_frm.bin" projectile="elf__msl.icn" cost="500" fight-value="1690" fight-value-aux="34" growth="3" hp="120" faction="6" speed="2" attack="6" defense="18" shots="0" short-name="dend">
<damage minimum="3" maximum="7"/>
<creature-attribute name="shoots"/>
<random-spawn minimum="10" maximum="20"/>
The "shoots" attribute is obviously there by accident. All it takes is reuploading the installer to GitHub.
Note: As you saw if you actually tried to reproduce the bug, the Ironfist creature's sprites on the map are not displaying (are they blank transparent bmps?)