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» [H3SW 0.8.2] Spicy Delivery
[Feature requests] New Spells Icon_minitimeby DanilaRud015 2024-07-25, 23:37

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[Feature requests] New Spells Icon_minitimeby Darmani 2024-07-18, 21:34

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[Feature requests] New Spells Icon_minitimeby sirDranik 2024-07-15, 00:28

» Silence of the Siren (HoMM like scifi game)
[Feature requests] New Spells Icon_minitimeby Sir Albe 2024-07-13, 08:09

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[Feature requests] New Spells Icon_minitimeby Blake01 2024-07-07, 21:12

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[Feature requests] New Spells Icon_minitimeby Blake01 2024-07-07, 21:00

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[Feature requests] New Spells Icon_minitimeby GodRage 2024-07-01, 10:33

Global announcements should be:
Everlasting, 1 for each project.
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Temporary, when there is something new to announce.
[Feature requests] New Spells Redbar11100%[Feature requests] New Spells Redbar12
 100% [ 6 ]
Holalala... No idea where the Ultimate artifact is.
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 [Feature requests] New Spells

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Unknown Hero

[Feature requests] New Spells Empty
PostSubject: [Feature requests] New Spells   [Feature requests] New Spells Icon_minitime2015-07-21, 10:55

Level: 1
Cost: 4
Type: Combat
Target: 1 enemy
Duration: 1 turn/Power
Rarity: 10%

Effect: Inflicts 5x Power in poison damage to a single enemy creature. The damage are performed at the beginning of each turn.


Mass Poison
Level: 3
Cost: 10
Type: Combat
Target: All enemies
Duration: 1 turn/Power
Rarity: 7%

Effect: Inflicts 5x Power in poison damage to all enemy creatures. The damage are performed at the beginning of each turn.


Undead are immune to Poison.
Poison spells can be removed by Anti-Magic, Dispel Magic and Cure spells.


Associated artifacts.

Poison Flask
Doubles the damage of your Poison spells.


Voodoo Doll
+1 to hero Power, halves the cost of your Poison spells.


Magic Protection (or simply "Protection")
Level: 3
Cost: 7
Type: Combat
Target: 1 ally
Duration: 1 turn/Power
Rarity: 14%

Effect: Halves damage from damage spells, and halved duration of negative spells to a single ally creature.


The enemy hero casts a direct damage spell (ex: Cold Ray), the ally creature (with "Protection" spell) take only half damage.

Your own hero or the enemy hero casts a global damage spell (ex: Armageddon), the ally creature (with "Protection" spell) take only half damage.

The enemy hero with Power 10 casts a negative spell (ex: Slow, Blind), the ally creature (with "Protection" spell) is only affected for 5 turns instead of 10 turns.


Protection spells can be removed by Anti-Magic and Dispel Magic spells.
Positive spells are not affected by Protection spells and act normally.


Mass Magic Protection (or simply "Mass Protection")
Level: 4
Cost: 15
Type: Combat
Target: All allies
Duration: 1 turn/Power
Rarity: 8%

Effect: Halves damage from damage spells, and halved duration of negative spells to all allies creatures.


Level: 4
Cost: 25
Type: Adventure
Target: 1 location
Duration: Until ennemy visit
Rarity: 1%

Effect: Doubles the production of the location. Can be cast on all daily resource generators (Ore, Gold, Gem, Wood, Crystal, Sulfur, Mercury), on all weekly resource generators (Windmill, Magic Garden, Water Will), and on all weekly creature generators (Goblin Hut, City of the Dead, Troll Bridge, Halfling Hole, Dragon City, etc.).
The Hero must be located on the location active square to be able to cast the spell.
The spell can be cumulative with a Set Elemental Guardian spell (ex: Set Earth Guardian).
The spell is canceled when an enemy hero enters the location.
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[Feature requests] New Spells Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Feature requests] New Spells   [Feature requests] New Spells Icon_minitime2015-07-21, 10:56

Noted. I especially like the idea for the Abundance spell because I think game mechanics that modify the map are very underexplored.
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Unknown Hero

[Feature requests] New Spells Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Feature requests] New Spells   [Feature requests] New Spells Icon_minitime2015-07-21, 10:57

Some news spells.

Level: 2
Cost: 7
Type: Combat
Target: 1 enemy
Duration: Instant
Rarity: 10%

Effect: Removes all positive spells on an enemy troop without removing the negative spells.


Mass Disenchantment
Level: 4
Cost: 16
Type: Combat
Target: All enemies
Duration: Instant
Rarity: 8%

Effect: Removes all positive spells on all enemy troops without removing the negative spells.


First Strike
Level: 2
Cost: 8
Type: Combat
Target: 1 ally
Duration: 1 turn/Power
Rarity: 12%

Effect: Whenever the allied troop is attacked, the allied troop hits before being touched.


Mass First Strike
Level: 4
Cost: 16
Type: Combat
Target: All allies
Duration: 1 turn/Power
Rarity: 7%

Effect: Whenever the allied troop is attacked, the allied troop hits before being touched.


Anti-Magic Haze
Level: 4
Cost: 15
Type: Combat
Target: 7 hexes
Duration: 1 turn/Power
Rarity: 3%

Effect: Prohibits the use of magic on targeted hexagons, and cancels the already casted spells in the targeted hexagons (except Anti-Magic spell).

So, impossible to cast spells on living troops, nor on decimated troops in the targeted hexagons (Ex: no Haste, no Resurrection, etc.), and already casted spells are canceled in the targeted hexagons (except Anti-Magic spell).


Level: 2
Cost: 9
Type: Combat
Target: 1 ally
Duration: 1 turn/Power
Rarity: 5% (8%)

Effect: Prevents the attacked enemy troop to retaliate against the attacking allied troop (enemy troop retaliation is not lost, only delayed).


Mass Prevention
Level: 4
Cost: 18
Type: Combat
Target: All allies
Duration: 1 turn/Power
Rarity: 3%

Effect: Prevents the attacked enemy troop to retaliate against the attacking allied troop (enemy troop retaliation is not lost, only delayed).
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Unknown Hero

[Feature requests] New Spells Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Feature requests] New Spells   [Feature requests] New Spells Icon_minitime2015-07-21, 10:57

Today, two new Adventure spells. ;-)

Level: 3
Cost: 15
Type: Adventure
Target: na
Duration: current turn (all day long)
Rarity: 6%

Effect: allows the hero to enter in all locations on the adventure map without the need to fight the guardian creatures (City of the Dead, Troll Bridge, Dragon City and Derelict Ship, Graveyard, Shipwreck, Daemon Cave, Pyramid, Abandoned Mine).

For the locations City of the Dead, Troll Bridge and Dragon City, once entered all the others heroes (only for same player) can enter the creature generator without fighting.
For the locations Derelict Ship, Graveyard, Shipwreck, Daemon Cave, Pyramid, once entered they act as if they have already been visited (Morale malus, etc.).
For the Abandoned Mine, it's now a Gold mine possessed by the player.


View Inside Town
Level: 2
Cost: 7
Type: Adventure
Target: na
Duration: current turn (all day long)
Rarity: 10%

Effect: allows to access the town of a neutral/enemy town/castle to check what is already build (Castle screen), the defending creatures (Town screen), the recruitable creatures (Well, Creature Dwellings) and the spells in the Mage Guild (Mage Guild).

The town(s)/castle(s) should be located in the hero's viewing range for the hero to be able to access it/them.
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[Feature requests] New Spells Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Feature requests] New Spells   [Feature requests] New Spells Icon_minitime2015-07-21, 10:58

First Strike is already on the roadmap -- not as a spell, but as a creature ability.

I feel like I should be able to implement a lot of these in 10 minutes each (minus graphics). I now feel extra-motivated to make it so. There's still a lot of work to get there; tweaking a part of the codebase for the first time is always a project, even if the change to make is small.
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[Feature requests] New Spells Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Feature requests] New Spells   [Feature requests] New Spells Icon_minitime2015-07-21, 10:58

Quote :
For the locations City of the Dead, Troll Bridge and Dragon City, once entered all the others heroes (only for same player) can enter the creature generator without fighting.

I don't feel it a good idea. It'd be better to improve the existing 3rd level spells. Especially the Abandoned mine which is anyway guarded well enough. Usually when people get lvl 3 Mage Guild, they are capable of taking any Abandoned Mine.
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Unknown Hero

[Feature requests] New Spells Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Feature requests] New Spells   [Feature requests] New Spells Icon_minitime2015-07-21, 10:59


Quote :
I don't feel it a good idea. It'd be better to improve the existing 3rd level spells. Especially the Abandoned mine which is anyway guarded well enough. Usually when people get lvl 3 Mage Guild, they are capable of taking any Abandoned Mine.
If the hero has a powerful army and can easily beat the guardians, it's better to fight (more experience points, more Skeletons for Necromancer).
But if it's a weak hero, with the task to recruit troops where they are available (per example, in order to recruit a small army of defense to fight against weak opponents heroes), then the spell is really useful. It's all about strategy and how the player manages his heroes.


Quote :
First Strike is already on the roadmap -- not as a spell, but as a creature ability.
Basically, it would be nice to be able to use fonctionnalities in different ways, creature ability, spell, secondary skill, artifact.

Example with the Regeneration Troll ability.

First it's a creature ability.


Some modders would like to make a spell of it.

Level: 3
Cost: 10
Type: Combat
Target: 1 ally
Duration: 1 turn/Power
Rarity: 8%

Effect: Regenerates creature hit points to full at beginning of every turn.


Some modders would like to make a Secondary Skill of it.


Regenerates creature hit points to full at beginning of every turn.

Basic: Your troops level 2 and below regenerates their hit points to full at beginning of every turn.
Advanced: Your troops level 4 and below regenerates their hit points to full at beginning of every turn.
Expert: Your troops level 6 and below regenerates their hit points to full at beginning of every turn.


Some modders would like to add it to an artifact.

Troll's Tunic: all your troops regenerates their hit points to full at beginning of every turn during combat.


Some modders would like to make a different creature ability of it.

Regeneration Troll ability:

The Troll regenerates hit points to full every turn, and all allied creatures located in an adjacent hexagon near the Troll troop regenerates hit points to full every turn.


I don't know if it can be done easily, but this is something to think about.


Precisions for Spell.

Quote :
Level: 3
Cost: 15
Type: Adventure
Target: na
Duration: current turn (all day long)
Rarity: 6%

Effect: allows the hero to enter in all locations on the adventure map without the need to fight the guardian creatures (City of the Dead, Troll Bridge, Dragon City and Derelict Ship, Graveyard, Shipwreck, Daemon Cave, Pyramid, Abandoned Mine).

For the locations City of the Dead, Troll Bridge and Dragon City, once entered all the others heroes (only for same player) can enter the creature generator without fighting.
For the locations Derelict Ship, Graveyard, Shipwreck, Daemon Cave, Pyramid, once entered they act as if they have already been visited (Morale malus, etc.).
For the Abandoned Mine, it's now a Gold mine possessed by the player.
The Invisibility spell don't allow to enter the locations protected by guardians generated by the players (Ghosts generated with "Haunt" spell, and Elementals generated with "Set Guardian" spells), only the locations already protected at the scenario start (by design).


Cursed Artifacts.

Cursed Gloves: disables all bonuses for all future captured artifacts, the newly captured artifacts only occupies a slot without bonuses (once the Cursed Gloves are removed at the Alchemist's Tower, all the Artifacts become active again).
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[Feature requests] New Spells Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Feature requests] New Spells   [Feature requests] New Spells Icon_minitime2015-07-21, 11:00

Quote :

Basically, it would be nice to be able to use fonctionnalities in different ways, creature ability, spell, secondary skill, artifact.

Yeah, I'm starting to think more seriously about how to do that.

I'm currently doing some work with the map editor, making it easier to add new objects, and in particular new kinds of heroes and castles (as part of adding a new faction). I may squeeze some time out of Cyborg stuff to try to allow new spells and artifacts via scripting.
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Unknown Hero

[Feature requests] New Spells Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Feature requests] New Spells   [Feature requests] New Spells Icon_minitime2015-07-21, 11:00

Yes, more possibilities and greater accessibility means more users. ;-)
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[Feature requests] New Spells Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Feature requests] New Spells   [Feature requests] New Spells Icon_minitime

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[Feature requests] New Spells
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