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[Feature requests] New Artifacts Icon_minitimeby DanilaRud015 2024-07-25, 23:37

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[Feature requests] New Artifacts Icon_minitimeby Darmani 2024-07-18, 21:34

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[Feature requests] New Artifacts Icon_minitimeby sirDranik 2024-07-15, 00:28

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[Feature requests] New Artifacts Icon_minitimeby Sir Albe 2024-07-13, 08:09

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[Feature requests] New Artifacts Icon_minitimeby Blake01 2024-07-07, 21:12

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[Feature requests] New Artifacts Icon_minitimeby Blake01 2024-07-07, 21:00

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[Feature requests] New Artifacts Icon_minitimeby GodRage 2024-07-01, 10:33

Global announcements should be:
Everlasting, 1 for each project.
[Feature requests] New Artifacts Redbar110%[Feature requests] New Artifacts Redbar12
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Temporary, when there is something new to announce.
[Feature requests] New Artifacts Redbar11100%[Feature requests] New Artifacts Redbar12
 100% [ 6 ]
Holalala... No idea where the Ultimate artifact is.
[Feature requests] New Artifacts Redbar110%[Feature requests] New Artifacts Redbar12
 0% [ 0 ]
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 [Feature requests] New Artifacts

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[Feature requests] New Artifacts Empty
PostSubject: [Feature requests] New Artifacts   [Feature requests] New Artifacts Icon_minitime2015-07-21, 11:02

Quote from this post: http://www.ironfi.st/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6&start=30#p54

Quote :
Today, some new artifacts.

Sorry for all the Amulets, Rings and Pendants, can be changed later ;-) ...and also for the artifacts bad names wording ;-)

The artefacts levels (level 1, level 2, level 3) are not precised, to be set later.

Ultimate Artifacts:

Amulet of Abundance: +5 to all resources (wood, ore, gem, cristal, sulfur, mercury) and +5000 gold per day.


Ring of Profusion:

+ 1 creature (level 6) per week for all dwellings in all towns/castles.
+ 2 creatures (level 5) per week for all dwellings in all towns/castles.
+ 3 creatures (level 4) per week for all dwellings in all towns/castles.
+ 4 creatures (level 3) per week for all dwellings in all towns/castles.
+ 5 creatures (level 2) per week for all dwellings in all towns/castles.
+ 6 creatures (level 1) per week for all dwellings in all towns/castles.


Cloak of Supreme Spellcaster: +4 Knowledge, the hero can cast 2 spells per turn during combat (no obligation to cast 2 spells, he can only cast 1 spell at his wish).

Sum of level of casted spells cannot be more than 6, but can be less.

Ex: one level 5 spell and one level 1 spell (level 5 + level 1: 5 + 1 = 6).
Ex: one level 4 spell and one level 2 spell (level 4 + level 2: 4 + 2 = 6).
Ex: two level 3 spells (level 3 + level 3: 3 + 3 = 6).
Ex: two level 1 spells (level 1 + level 1: 1 + 1 = 2 <6).



Amulet of Speed: +1 to speed for all troops during combat.


Snail Ring: -1 to speed for all enemy troops during combat (Note: the enemy troops speed cannot be less than 1).


Ring of Heaviness: all enemy flying creatures can only move their base speed points (ex: a creature with speed average (4) can only move 4 hexagons) but they can fly (pass the wall during siege).


Amulet of Robustness: immune all troops to speed reduction Artifacts (ex: Snail Ring, Ring of Heaviness).


Pendant of Recovery: restores half creature base hit points to all first creatures in troops every beginning of turn during combat.


Amulet of Pain: all enemy troops suffers (5 x level creature) damage at the beginning of each turn (level 1 stacks takes 5 damage, level 2 stacks takes 10 damage, etc.).


Ring of Protection: immune all troops to damage effects Artifacts (ex: Amulet of Pain).


Ring of Regeneration: all troops restores (5 x level creature) hit points at the beginning of each turn (level 1 stacks restores 5 hit points, level 2 stacks restores 10 hit points, etc.).


Dwarf Ring: -1 to enemy Spell Power during combat (the enemy Hero Spell Power cannot be less than 1).


Pendant of Nature Gift: +1 to all resources (wood, ore, gem, cristal, sulfur, mercury) and +1000 gold per day.


Amulet of Constraint: adds half the cost to all enemy hero spells (ex: Slow cost 4 spell points (3 + 1.5 = 4.5 rounded to 4), Steelskin cost 9 spell points (6 + 3 = 9), etc.)).


Amulet of Adjusting: immune the hero to increasing spells cost Artifacts (ex: Amulet of Constraint).


Pendant of Summoning: +1 to base generation to all the summoning spells (becomes: sets 5x Spell Power Ghosts to guard mine for Haunt, becomes: sets 5x Spell Power Elementals to guard mine for Set Elemental Guardian spells, becomes: summons 4x Spell Power Elementals for Summon Elemental spells).
The bonus is cumulative with the Book of Elements (doubles the effectiveness of all summoning spells). So with the Pendant of Summoning and the Book of Elements, the hero with Spell Power: 5 can generate (4 + 1) x 2 = 50 Elementals with Set Elemental Guardian spells.


Pendant of Serenity: during combat, each time the enemy hero casts a spell, the hero recovers half magic points needed to cast the spell (ex: the enemy hero cast Haste (cost: 3 spell points), the hero restores 1 spell points (3 : 2 = 1.5 rounded to 1), the enemy hero cast Blind (cost: 6 spell points), the hero restores 3 spell points (6 : 2 = 3)).
The Dispel Magic spell animation can be used on the hero when magic points are restored. The hero should not restore magic points above his max magic points (ex: max 20/20).
The bonus is cumulative with all the bonuses of abilities to recover magic points.


Ring of Magnificence: +1 to Attack, +1 Defense, +1 Spell Power, +1 Knowledge.


Amulet of Mastering: +3 to Attack, +3 Defense, +3 Spell Power, +3 Knowledge.


Ring of Restriction: halves the effectiveness of all enemy summoning spells (becomes: summons 1x Spell Power Elementals for Summon Elemental spells (3 : 2 = 1.5 rounded to 1) during combat).


Amulet of True Summoning: immune the hero to all effectiveness limitation of spells Artifacts (ex: Ring of Restriction).


Pendant of Spellcaster: halves the cost of all hero spells.


Ring of Life Force: +50% to base hit points to all creatures.


Amulet of Decrepitude: -50% to base hit points to all enemy creatures (Note: the enemy troops hit points cannot be less than 1).


Ring of Full Life: immune all troops to base hit points reduction Artifacts (Ex: Amulet of Decrepitude).


Amulet of Bitterness: -2 Morale to all enemy creatures.


Minotaur Ring: immune all troops to Morale reduction Artifacts (Ex: Amulet of Bitterness).


Mirror of Misfortune: -2 Luck to all enemy creatures.


Unicorn Horn: immune all troops to Luck reduction Artifacts (Ex: Mirror of Misfortune).


Pendant of Beatitude: all troops make max damage and are immune to Curse.
So, no need to cast Bless (window message when trying to cast the spell: "No need to cast this spell, already max damage for all troops!") and enemy hero cannot cast Curse (window message when enemy hero trying to cast Curse: "That spell will affect no one!").


Ring of Tranquility: all enemy troops make min damage and are immune to Bless.
So, no need to cast Curse (window message when trying to cast the spell: "No need to cast this spell, already min damage for all enemy troops!") and enemy hero cannot cast Bless (window message when enemy hero trying to cast Bless: "That spell will affect no one!").


Amulet of Strength: immune all troops to troop damage limitation Artifacts (Ex: Ring of Tranquility).


Amulet of Stroke: all enemy troops cannot retaliate.


Ring of Revenge: immune all troops to retaliate limitation Artifacts (Ex: Amulet of Stroke).


Cloak of Defensiveness: all troops can retaliate 2 times.


Ring of Fortune: generates 1 random resource each day.


Ring of Wealth: generates 2 random resources each day.


Amulet of Lucky Man: generates random gold (100 to 500 gold) each day.


Amulet of Liberty: +1 movement point, no penalty on rough terrains (Beach, Cracked land, Snow, Swamp, Desert).


Amulet of Apprentice: regenerates 1 magic point per turn on the adventure map, and regenerates 1 magic point per turn during combat. The hero should not restore magic points above his max magic points during combat (ex: max 20/20).


Amulet of Practice: +25% experience gained by hero during combat.


Ring of Knowledge: +2 Knowledge to hero, allows hero to automatically exchange spells with other heroes during trading sessions. He can teach and learn spells level 2 and below (Note: the hero must have the Magic Book to learn spells).


Ring of Mobility: +2 movement points, no movement penalties for embarking and disembarking on boat, the hero can move on the water when he embarks, and he can move on ground when he disembarks, if he has movement points left.


Elf Bowstring: +15% damage for shooters (ranged attack only).


Book of Spirits: +1 Spell Power, doubles the effectiveness of Haunt spell.


Ring of Ghosts Hunter: gives the ability to cast Ghosts Annihilation spell (the hero must have a Magic Book).

Ghosts Annihilation.

Level: 3
Cost: 12
Type: Combat
Target: 1 Ghosts stack
Duration: Instant

Destroys 1 Ghosts creatures stack no matter the number.


Peace of Soul Ring: protects the troops against Ghost creature ability (creatures eliminated by Ghosts become Ghosts), Ghosts make damage only.


Ring of Frailness: gives the ability to cast Weakness spell (the hero must have a Magic Book).


Level: 4
Cost: 20
Type: Combat
Target: 1 enemy
Duration: 1 attack (hand to hand, ranged attack, spell damage)

Halves the base hit points of an enemy troops (Note: the enemy troops hit points cannot be less than 1).


Enchanted Pirate Hook: gives the ability to cast Scuttle Boat spell (the hero must have a Magic Book).

Scuttle Boat.

Level: 3
Cost: 7
Type: Adventure
Target: adjacent inoccupied ship
Duration: permanent

Destroys adjacent inoccupied ship.


Cursed Artifacts.

Amulet of Desperation: -2 to Luck.


Hat of Landlubber: halves the movement on water.


Obstruction Chains: -1 movement point on adventure map.


Too Small Boots: -2 movement points on adventure map.


Amulet of Evil Leprechaun: prevents learning a secondary skill next level up, then disappears.


Acknowledgment of Debt: costs you 500 gold per turn.


Amulet of Disturbance: doubles cost of Spells on aventure map and during combat.


All the spells given by artifacts should not appear in Mage Guilds nor Shrines (too powerfull or too specific).

Should be nice to be able to set the % of apparition for each artefact, and to be able to enable/disable them.

All cursed artifacts should be "glued" to the hero and switch to another hero only when captured in combat. Also, it should be a game option.
New Artifacts.

Headgear of Quiet Death: Knowledge +1, disables all resurrection spells casting for both sides in combat (Resurrection, Resurrection True, Animate Dead).


Hat of Friendship: Movement + 1 (adventure), removes all the different alignments troops morale penalties (except undead troop morale penalty).


Holy Sword: Attack +1, +50% damage vs undead.


Loyalty Gloves: Morale +1, Luck +1, the hero always reappears in the tavern of the player even if he is defeated.


Skull of Death: Spell Power +1, allows to transform the living creatures in hero army to Skeletons (1 skeleton for 1 creature) on the adventure map.


Bracelet of Artifacts Hunter: Spell Power +1, Knowledge +1, prevents the Ultimate Artifact to disappear if captured to an enemy hero during combat.


Purse of Persuasion: Movement + 1 (adventure), allows to recruit creatures in the creature generators on the adventure map (City of the Dead, Troll Bridge, Ruins, Dragon City, etc.) with a 30% cost reduction.


Helmet of Disturbance: Knowledge +1, allows to cast Anti-Magic spell on enemy troops.


Cursed Artifact.

Hoodoo Helmet: reduces by half all the future experience points gained by the hero (combat and adventure (chests, etc.)).


New Artifacts used for Artifacts Sets.

Enchanted Skull: Spell Power +1, removes the undead troop morale penalty (including the Arm of the Martyr (POL) penalty).


Unicorn Horn Helmet: Attack +2.


Cyclops Eye Pendant: Attack +3.


Spiked Helm: Attack +1, Defense +1.


Magic Broach: Spell Power +1, Knowledge +2.


Enchanted Mirror: Spell Power +1, Knowledge +3.


Warlock's Pendant: Spell Power +1, Knowledge +4.


Magic Necklace: Spell Power +2, Knowledge +3.


Magic Cape: Spell Power +2, Knowledge +4.


Rod of Awareness: Spell Power +2, Knowledge +5.


Book of Necromancer: Knowledge +1.


Book of Sorceress: Knowledge +2.


Book of Wizard: Knowledge +3.


Book of Warlock: Knowledge +4.


Tome of Necromancer: Spell Power +1, Knowledge +1.


Tome of Sorceress: Spell Power +2, Knowledge +2.


Tome of Wizard: Spell Power +3, Knowledge +3.


Tome of Warlock: Spell Power +4, Knowledge +4.


Blessed Ring: Knowledge +1, your Bless spells cannot be removed (Dispel Magic spells, Curse spells).


Holy Helmet: halves all damage your troops take from Death spells.


Shield of Undead: halves all damage your troops take from Life spells.


Magic Chest Plate: halves all damage your troops take from Magic Arrow and Meteor Shower spells.


Rotten Bones: Defense +1, +50% damage to your Death spells.


Holy Wristbands: Attack +1, +50% damage to your Life spells.


King's Crown of Death: Spell Power +2.


King's Scepter of Life: Spell Power +2.


Wizard's Broach of Magic: regenerates 3 magic points per turn on the adventure map, and regenerates 3 magic points per turn during combat. The hero should not restore magic points above his max magic points during combat (ex: max 20/20).


Anti-Poison Pendant: halves all damage your troops take from Poison spells.


Tome of Elements: Spell Power +1, gives the ability to cast all the elementals spells (combat and adventure)(the hero must have a Magic Book).


Artifacts Sets.

I made "Mass" spells based on already in game spells.


1) Thunder Mace of Dominion: Attack +1.

2) Defender Helm of Protection: Defense +1.

3) Stealth Shield of Protection: Defense +2.

1 + 2 + 3) Armor of Bloodthirster: Attack +1, Defense +3, Knowledge +2, gives the ability to cast Mass Bloodlust spell (the hero must have a Magic Book).

Mass Bloodlust
Level: 3
Cost: 12
Type: Combat
Target: All allies
Duration: 1 turn/Power

Effect: Adds +3 to all allied creature’s Attack skill.


1) Giant Flail of Dominion: Attack +1.

2) Armored Gauntlets of Protection: Defense +2.

3) Power Axe of Dominion: Attack +2.

1 + 2 + 3) Breastplate of Defender: Attack +3, Defense +2, Knowledge +1, gives the ability to cast Mass Stoneskin spell (the hero must have a Magic Book).

Mass Stoneskin
Level: 3
Cost: 12
Type: Combat
Target: All allies
Duration: 1 turn/Power

Effect: Adds +3 to all allied creature’s Defense Skill.


1) Unicorn Horn Helmet: Attack +2.

2) Warlock's Pendant: Spell Power +1, Knowledge +4.

3) Seeing-eye Pendant: makes all your troops immune to Blind spells.

1 + 2 + 3) Shield of Blindness: Attack +2, Spell Power +1, Knowledge +4, makes all your troops immune to Blind spells, gives the ability to cast Mass Blind spell (the hero must have a Magic Book).

Mass Blind
Level: 5
Cost: 30
Type: Combat
Target: All enemies
Duration: 1 turn/Power

Effect: All enemy blinded creatures cannot take action until attacked and retaliate with half strength.


1) Book of Necromancer: Knowledge +1.

2) Caster's Bracelet of Magic: Spell Power +2.

3) Black Pearl: Spell Power +2, Knowledge +2.

1 + 2 + 3) Scepter of Disruption: Spell Power +4, Knowledge +3, gives the ability to cast Mass Disrupting Ray spell (the hero must have a Magic Book).

Mass Disrupting Ray
Level: 5
Cost: 35
Type: Combat
Target: All enemies
Duration: Combat

Effect: Reduces Defense of all enemy troops by 3. A creature can be affected multiple times by this spell.


1) Dragon Sword of Dominion: Attack +3.

2) Enchanted Hourglass: Spell Power +1, extends duration of all spells by 5 turns (tweak).

3) Magic Broach: Spell Power +1, Knowledge +2.

1 + 2 + 3) Sword of Annihilation: Attack +3, Spell Power +2, Knowledge +2, extends the duration of all spells by 5 turns, gives the ability to cast Mass Dragon Slayer spell (the hero must have a Magic Book).

Mass Dragon Slayer
Level: 5
Cost: 30
Type: Combat
Target: All allies
Duration: 1 turn/Power

Effect: All allied creatures gains +5 to Attack skill against Dragons.


1) Divine Breastplate of Protection: Defense +3.

2) Book of Sorceress: Knowledge +2

3) Wizard's Hat: Spell Power +2, extends the duration of all spells by 10 turns (tweak).

1 + 2 + 3) Shield of Bravery: Defense +3, Spell Power +2, Knowledge +2, extends duration of all spells by 10 turns, gives the ability to cast Mass Steelskin spell (the hero must have a Magic Book).

Mass Steelskin
Level: 5
Cost: 24
Type: Combat
Target: All allies
Duration: 1 turn/Power

Effect: Adds +5 to all allied creature’s Defense Skill.


1) Tome of Necromancer: Spell Power +1, Knowledge +1.

2) Mage's Ring of Power: Spell Power +2.

3) Magic Necklace: Spell Power +2, Knowledge +3.

1 + 2 + 3) Scepter of Death: Spell Power +5, Knowledge +4, gives the ability to cast Mass Animate Dead spell (the hero must have a Magic Book).

Mass Animate Dead
Level: 6
Cost: 40
Type: Combat
Target: All allied killed undeads
Duration: Permanent

Effect: All allied undead troops decimated regrows 50x Spell Power in hit points.


1) Book of Warlock: Knowledge +4.

2) Witch's Broach of Magic: Spell Power +3.

3) Wand of Negation: makes all your troops immune to Dispell Magic spell.

1 + 2 + 3) Ring of Confusion: Spell Power +3, Knowledge +4, makes all your troops immune to Dispell Magic spell, gives the ability to cast Mass Anti-Magic spell (the hero must have a Magic Book).

Mass Anti-Magic
Level: 5
Cost: 28
Type: Combat
Target: All allies
Duration: 1 turn/Power

Effect: All allied creatures gains immunity to all magic.


1) Cyclops Eye Pendant: Attack +3.

2) Magic Cape: Spell Power +2, Knowledge +4.

3) Kinetic Pendant: makes all your troops immune to Paralyze spell.

1 + 2 + 3) Cyclops Eyes Necklace: Attack +3, Spell Power +2, Knowledge +4, makes all your troops immune to Paralyze spell, gives the ability to cast Mass Paralyze spell (the hero must have a Magic Book).

Mass Paralyze
Level: 6
Cost: 45
Type: Combat
Target: All enemies
Duration: 1 turn/Power

Effect: All enemy paralyzed creatures cannot take action until attacked, and cannot retaliate.


1) Foremost Scroll of Knowledge: Knowledge +5.

2) Sword Breaker (Pol): Attack +1, Defense +4.

3) Serenity Pendant: makes all your troops immune to Berserk spell.

1 + 2 + 3) Crown of Slaughtering: Attack +1, Defense +4, Knowledge +5, makes all your troops immune to Berserk spell, gives the ability to cast Mass Berserk spell (the hero must have a Magic Book).

Mass Berserk
Level: 7
Cost: 60
Type: Combat
Target: All enemies
Duration: 1 attack

Effect: Berserk enemy creatures will randomly attack the nearest stack.


1) Tome of Sorceress: Spell Power +2, Knowledge +2.

2) Arcane Necklace of Magic: Spell Power +4.

3) Minor Scroll of Knowledge: Knowledge +2.

1 + 2 + 3) Divine Armor: Spell Power +6, Knowledge +4, gives the ability to cast Mass Resurrection spell (the hero must have a Magic Book).

Mass Resurrection
Level: 7
Cost: 48
Type: Combat
Target: All allied killed creatures
Duration: Permanent

Effect: All allied living troops decimated regrows 40x Spell Power in hit points.


1) Tome of Wizard: Spell Power +3, Knowledge +3.

2) Pendant of Free Will: makes all your troops immune to Hypnotize spell.

3) Gold Watch: doubles effectiveness of Hypnotize spell.

4) Superior Scroll of Knowledge: Knowledge +4.

1 + 2 + 3 + 4) Sword of Commander: Spell Power +3, Knowledge +7, makes all your troops immune to Hypnotize spell, doubles effectiveness of Hypnotize spell, gives the ability to cast Mass Hypnotize spell (the hero must have a Magic Book).

Mass Hypnotize
Level: 8
Cost: 75
Type: Combat
Target: All enemies
Duration: 1 attack

Effect: Takes control of all enemy troops who have less hit points than 50x Power.


1) Major Scroll of Knowledge: Knowledge +3.

2) Enchanted Mirror: Spell Power +1, Knowledge +3.

3) Book of Wizard: Knowledge +3.

1 + 2 + 3) Armor of Duplicity: Spell Power +1, Knowledge +9, gives the ability to cast Mass Mirror Image spell (the hero must have a Magic Book).

Mass Mirror Image
Level: 9
Cost: 100
Type: Combat
Target: All allies
Duration: Combat

Effect: Duplicates all your creature stacks. Each image is independently dispelled if it takes any damage.


1) Tome of Warlock: Spell Power +4, Knowledge +4.

2) Ankh: doubles the effectiveness of all your resurrect and animate spells.

3) White Pearl: Spell Power +1, Knowledge +1.

1 + 2 + 3) Cloak of Eternity: Spell Power +5, Knowledge +5, doubles the effectiveness of all your resurrect and animate spells, gives the ability to cast Mass Resurrection True spell (the hero must have a Magic Book).

Mass Resurrection True
Level: 8
Cost: 60
Type: Combat
Target: All allied killed creatures
Duration: Permanent

Effect: All allied living troops decimated regrows 50x Spell Power in hit points.


1) Evil Eye: halves the cost of Curse spells.

2) Holy Pendant: makes all your troops immune to Curse spells.

3) Pendant of Beatitude: all your troops make max damage and are immune to Curse spells.

1 + 2 + 3) Sword of Cursing: Knowledge +2, halves the cost of Curse spells, all your troops make max damage and are immune to Curse spells, adds the Curse spells to the hero Magic Book, automatically casts the Mass Curse spell for free at combat start (the hero must have a Magic Book).


1) Snake Ring: halves the cost of Bless spells.

2) Blessed Ring: Knowledge +1, Bless spells cannot be removed (Dispel Magic spells, Curse spells).

3) Ring of Tranquility: all enemy troops make min damage and are immune to Bless spells.

1 + 2 + 3) Helmet of Blessing: Knowledge +2, halves the cost of Bless spells, Bless spells cannot be removed (Dispel Magic spells, Curse spells), all enemy troops make min damage and are immune to Bless spells, adds the Bless spells to the hero Magic Book, automatically casts the Mass Bless spell for free at combat start (the hero must have a Magic Book).


1) Pendant of Life: makes all your troops immune to Death spells.

2) Rotten Bones: Defense +1, +50% damage to Death spells.

3) King's Crown of Death: Spell Power +2.

1 + 2 + 3) Bones Shield of Death: Defense +1, Spell Power +2, Knowledge +1, makes all your troops immune to Death spells, adds the Death Ripple and Death Wave spells to the hero Magic Book, your Death spells do 100% more damage (the hero must have a Magic Book).


1) Pendant of Death: makes all your troops immune to Holy spells.

2) Holy Wristbands: Attack +1, +50% damage to Life spells.

3) King's Scepter of Life: Spell Power +2.

1 + 2 + 3) Holy Scepter: Attack +1, Spell Power +2, Knowledge +1, makes all your troops immune to Holy spells, adds the Holy Word and Holy Shout spells to the hero Magic Book, your Holy spells do 100% more damage (the hero must have a Magic Book).


1) Endless Cord of Wood: +1 Wood per day.

2) Endless Cart of Ore: +1 Ore per day.

3) Endless Vial of Mercury: +1 Mercury per day.

4) Endless Pouch of Crystal: +1 Crystal per day.

5) Endless Pouch of Sulfur: +1 Sulfur per day.

6) Endless Pouch of Gems: +1 Gems per day.

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6) Chest of Richness: +2 units of each resource per day.


1) Endless Purse of Gold: +500 gold per day.

2) Endless Bag of Gold: +750 gold per day.

3) Endless Sack of Gold: +1000 gold per day.

1 + 2 + 3) Golden Fleece: +5000 gold per day.


1) Medal of Distinction: Morale +1

2) Medal of Honor: Morale +1

3) Medal of Courage: Morale +1

4) Medal of Valor: Morale +1

1 + 2 + 3 + 4) Ring of Morale: Always maximum Morale (+3) for all your troops, gives the ability to cast Good Morale spell (the hero must have a Magic Book).

Good Morale
Level: 3
Cost: 8
Type: Combat
Target: 1 ally
Duration: 1 attack

Effect: Gives an extra attack to the troop (so the troop can play up to three times, normal attack, Morale attack (if activated), extra attack.


1) Lucky Rabbit's Foot: Luck +1

2) Gambler's Lucky Coin: Luck +1

3) Four-Leaf Clover: Luck +1

4) Golden Horseshoe: Luck +1

1 + 2 + 3 + 4) Broach of Luck: Always maximum Luck (+3) for all your troops, gives the ability to cast Forced Luck spell (the hero must have a Magic Book).

Forced Luck
Level: 3
Cost: 8
Type: Combat
Target: 1 ally
Duration: 1 attack

Effect: doubles the maximum damage of the troop.


1) Ammo Cart: provides endless ammunition for all your shooters and does +10% damage for shooters (ranged attack only)(tweak).

2) Golden Bow: eliminates the 50% penalty for your troops shooting past obstacles and does +25% damage for shooters (ranged attack only)(tweak).

3) Elf Bowstring: +15% damage for shooters (ranged attack only).

1 + 2 + 3) Bow of Magnificence: +100% damage for shooters (ranged attack only).


1) Lightning Helm: halves all damage your troops take from Lightning spells.

2) Fire Cloak: halves all damage your troops take from Fire spells.

3) Ice Cloak: halves all damage your troops take from Cold spells.

4) Broach of Shielding (POL): provides 50% protection from Armageddon and Elemental Storm, but decreases the Spell Power by 2.

5) Heart of Fire (POL): provides 50% protection from Fire spells, but doubles the damage taken from Cold spells.

6) Heart of Ice (POL): provides 50% protection from Cold spells, but doubles the damage taken from Fire spells.

7) Holy Helmet: halves all damage your troops take from Death spells.

Cool Shield of Undead: halves all damage your troops take from Life spells.

9) Magic Chest Plate: halves all damage your troops take from Magic Arrow and Meteor Shower spells.

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9) Shield of Immunity: Broach of Shielding penalty (Spell Power -2) is removed, Knowledge +2, your troops are immune to all instant direct damage spells.


1) Amulet of Apprentice: regenerates 1 magic point per turn on the adventure map, and regenerates 1 magic point per turn during combat. The hero should not restore magic points above his max magic points during combat (ex: max 20/20).

2) Power Ring: regenerates 2 magic points per turn on the adventure map, and regenerates 2 magic points per turn during combat. The hero should not restore magic points above his max magic points during combat (ex: max 20/20)(tweak).

3) Wizard's Necklace of Magic: regenerates 3 magic points per turn on the adventure map, and regenerates 3 magic points per turn during combat. The hero should not restore magic points above his max magic points during combat (ex: max 20/20).

1 + 2 + 3) Broach of Regeneration: Knowledge +2, regenerates 12 magic points per turn on the adventure map, and regenerates 12 magic points per turn during combat.


1) Spiked Helm: Attack +1, Defense +1.

2) Spiked Shield: Attack +2, Defense +2.

3) Staff of Wizardry (POL): Spell Power +5.

1 + 2 + 3) Armor of Invincibility: Attack +3, Defense +3, Spell Power +5, Knowledge +1.


1) Lighting Rod: causes your lightning spells to do 50% more damage.

2) Everhot Lava Rock: causes your fire spells to do 50% more damage.

3) Evercold Icicle: causes your cold spells to do 50% more damage.

1 + 2 + 3) Wand of Destruction: Spell Power +2, your lightning, fire and cold spells do 100% more damage.


1) Elemental Ring: halves the cost of all your summoning spells.

2) Book of Elements: doubles the effectiveness of all your summoning spells.

3) Tome of Elements: Spell Power +1, gives the ability to cast all the elementals spells (combat and adventure)(the hero must have a Magic Book).

1 + 2 + 3) Summoner's Hat: Spell Power +3, gives the ability to cast all the elementals spells, doubles the effectiveness of all your summoning spells, reduces the cost of all your summoning spells to 25% (3 points for "Set Guardian" spells, 7 points for "Summon Elemental" spells).


1) Book of Spirits: Spell Power +1, doubles the effectiveness of Haunt spell.

2) Ring of Ghosts Hunter: gives the ability to cast Ghosts Annihilation spell (the hero must have a Magic Book).

Ghosts Annihilation.

Level: 3
Cost: 12
Type: Combat
Target: 1 Ghosts stack
Duration: Instant

Effect: destroys 1 Ghosts creatures stack no matter the number.

3) Peace of Soul Ring: protects the troops against Ghost creature ability (creatures eliminated by Ghosts become Ghosts), Ghosts make damage only.

1 + 2 + 3) Broach of Ghosts Master: Spell Power +3, doubles the effectiveness of Haunt spell, gives the ability to cast Ghosts Annihilation spell at half cost (6 points), protects the troops against Ghost creature ability, enemy ghosts can no more fly (they only move 5 hexagons at a time (speed: 5)).


1) Poison Flask: doubles the damage of your Poison spells.

2) Voodoo Doll: Spell Power +1, halves the cost of your Poison spells.

3) Anti-Poison Pendant: halves all damage your troops take from Poison spells.

1 + 2 + 3) Vial of Poisoner: Spell Power +3, doubles the damage of your Poison spells, reduces the cost of all your poison spells to 25% (1 point for "Poison" spell, 2 points for "Mass Poison" spell), halves all damage your troops take from Poison spells.


1) Skullcap: halves the cost of all mind influencing spells.

2) Arm of the Martyr (POL): Spell Power +3, but adds the undead morale penalty.

3) Enchanted Skull: Spell Power +1, removes the undead troop morale penalty (including the Arm of the Martyr (POL) penalty).

1 + 2 + 3) Helmet of Mind Control: Spell Power +6, remove the undead morale penalty, reduces the cost of all your mind influencing spells to 25% (1 point for "Blind" spell, 2 points for "Paralyze" spell, 3 points for "Berserk" spell, 4 points for "Hypnotize" spell, 7 points for "Mass Blind" spell, 11 points for "Mass Paralyze" spell, 15 points for "Mass Berserk" spell, 18 points for "Mass Hypnotize" spell).


1) Holy Hammer (POL): Attack +5.

2) Sphere of Negation (POL): disables all spell casting for both sides in combat.

3) Rod of Awareness: Spell Power +2, Knowledge +5.

1 + 2 + 3) Holy Book of Mastering: Attack +5, Spell Power +2, Knowledge +5, disables all spell casting for enemy hero in combat, (can be added if too powerful: limits your spell casting to level 3 spells (need testing)).


1) Traveller's Boots of Mobility: increases your mobility on land, Movement +3 (300 points).

2) Nomad Boots of Mobility: increases your mobility on land, Movement +6 (600 points).

3) True Compass of Mobility: increases your movement on land and sea, Movement +5 (500 points) on land, Movement +5 (500 points) on sea.

4) Sailor's Astrolabe of Mobility: increases your movement on sea, Movement +10 (1000 points) on sea.

1 + 2 + 3 + 4) Cloak of Time Slowdown: increases your movement bonuses on land and sea by 25%, Movement +17.5 (1750 points) on land, Movement +18.75 (1875 points) on sea, no movement penalties for embarking and disembarking on boat, the hero can move on the water when he embarks, and he can move on ground when he disembarks, if he has movement points left.


1) Telescope: increases hero's viewing range by 1 square.

2) Statesman's Quill: reduces the cost of surrender to 10% of the total cost of your army.

3) Crystall Ball (POL): lets you get more specific information about monsters, enemy heroes and castles nearby in the whole viewable area of the hero who holds it (tweak).

1 + 2 + 3) Orb of Comprehension: Knowledge +2, doubles the hero's viewing range, reduces the cost of surrender to a symbolic cost of 1 gold, lets you get more specific information about monsters, enemy heroes and castles nearby in the whole viewable area of the hero who holds it (tweak).


Did you read all of this? Congratulations! ;-)
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Unknown Hero

[Feature requests] New Artifacts Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Feature requests] New Artifacts   [Feature requests] New Artifacts Icon_minitime2015-07-21, 11:03

Yes, more Artifacts! ;-)


Artifacts Adjustment.

Holy Sword: Attack +1, +50% damage vs undead.

Adjustment --> Holy Sword: Attack +1, all living creatures make +50% damage vs all undead creatures (not against living).


Headgear of Quiet Death: Knowledge +1, disables all resurrection spells casting for both sides in combat (Resurrection, Resurrection True, Animate Dead).

Adjustment --> Headgear of Quiet Death: Knowledge +1, disables all resurrection spells casting for enemy hero during combat (Resurrection, Resurrection True, Animate Dead).


New Artifacts.

Shield of Authority: Defense +1, allows to enter into the creature generators on the adventure map without the need to fight the guardian creatures (City of the Dead, Troll Bridge, Dragon City), once entered all the others heroes (only for same player) can enter the creature generator without fighting.


Sword of Strengthening: Attack +1, allows to upgrade troops in the hero army on the adventure map at the same cost as in a castle.


Cursed Shield: Defense +1, all undead creatures make +50% damage vs all living creatures (not against undead).


Golden Ring of Reward: Defense +1, gives 1 gold per hit points for all enemy creatures decimated during combat (1000 HP gives 1000 gold)(same as experience points).


Helmet of Banishment: Knowledge +1, disables all elemental spell casting for enemy hero during combat (Summon Elemental spells).


Mage's Power Staff: Spell Power +1, Knowledge +1, gives the Mass version of all the spells the hero possesses (for Bless, Cure, Curse, Dispel Magic, Haste, Shield and Slow spells)(ex: if the hero possesses Bless, he gets Mass Bless).


Ring of Shifting: Knowledge +1, allows to cast the Teleport spell on an enemy troop.


Supreme Bowman's Arc: Attack +1, gives the ability to cast Shoot of Freedom spell (the hero must have a Magic Book).

Shoot of Freedom.

Level: 3
Cost: 10
Type: Combat
Target: 1 ally
Duration: 1 turn/Power

Effect: Allows a ranged troop to make a ranged attack even if an enemy troop is in melee.


Ranger's Knife : Attack +2, removes the melee attack penalty for allied shooters.


Midas's Shield: Defense +2, allows to sell troops in the hero army on the adventure map at base cost (gold and resource).


Cape of Transportation: Knowledge +1, gives the ability to cast Distant Meeting spell (the hero must have a Magic Book).

Distant Meeting.

Level: 4
Cost: 20
Type: Adventure
Target: na
Duration: na

Effect: The hero can meet another player hero without moving, then the heroes can exchange troops and artifacts as usual.

How it work: When the hero cast the Distant Meeting spell, he can choose the hero to meet in a list (just like the hero chooses a castle in a list when he casts the Town Portal spell).


Alchemist's Magic Staff: Spell Power +1, allows to reproduce an artifact in the hero inventory once per day.

Ultimate Artifacts, Artifacts Sets (assembled) and the Alchemist's Magic Staff cannot be reproduced. Each artifact can be reproduced only once per player in the same scenario (ex: each player can reproduce the Armored Gauntlets of Protection one time).

How it work:

The hero must have a free slot and at least one artifact to be able to use the Alchemist's Magic Staff.

In hero inventory, maintained right click on an artifact displays a temporary window with artifact information; and left click on an artifact opens a window with artifact information and an "OK" button (to close the window).


If the hero possesses the Alchemist's Magic Staff:

With an artifact not already reproduced:

Maintained right click on the artifact displays a temporary window with artifact information, and some info are added "Can be reproduced" (if the artifact can be reproduced), "One artifact has already been reproduced this day" (depending the situation).

Left click on the artifact opens a window with artifact information, and some info are added "Can be reproduced" (if the artifact can be reproduced), "One artifact has already been reproduced this day" (depending the situation); an "OK" button (to close the window) and an "COPY" button is added to allow to reproduce the artifact (and closes the window at the same time).

With an artifact already reproduced:

Maintained right click on the artifact displays a temporary window with artifact information, and some info are added "Artifact already reproduced", "One other artifact can be reproduced this day" or "One artifact has already been reproduced this day" (depending the situation).

Left click on the artifact opens a window with artifact information, and some info are added "Artifact already reproduced", "One other artifact can be reproduced this day" or "One artifact has already been reproduced this day" (depending the situation); an "OK" button (to close the window).


Cursed Artifacts.

Cracked Shield: Defense -2


Broken Hammer: Attack -2
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[Feature requests] New Artifacts Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Feature requests] New Artifacts   [Feature requests] New Artifacts Icon_minitime2015-07-21, 11:03

When I see an idea, I like to ask if it's simple, but I can see interesting gameplay scenarios that it opens up. So far, I've come up with ones for the Distant Meeting (completely changes the game on XL maps), and the Golden Ring (accelerates the feedback loop -- more killing = faster growth). Still trying to come up with more.
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Unknown Hero

[Feature requests] New Artifacts Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Feature requests] New Artifacts   [Feature requests] New Artifacts Icon_minitime2015-07-21, 11:04

The Distant Meeting spell is powerful, that's why I put it in an artifact; first the hero need to have the artifact, and the spell cost is relatively high. The player can be really happy to have it. Also, it's not overpowered because, yes, you can "move" your troops more easily, but you need to be able to recruit the troops (dwellings build), and to have enough gold and resource to buy the troops, without forgetting to manage the spell points. Should be fun to use it.

And allows specific scenarios to be made, ex: a hero isolated from the town/castle and the Distant Meeting spell is the only possibility to "recruit" troops, etc.

The Golden Ring of Reward, a must have for a fighting hero, more gold, more troops to recruit, more buildings to build, and a great joy to win against a powerful enemy army, but use your gold wisely. ;-)


Precisions for Artifact.

Shield of Authority: Defense +1, allows to enter into the creature generators on the adventure map without the need to fight the guardian creatures (City of the Dead, Troll Bridge, Dragon City), once entered all the others heroes (only for same player) can enter the creature generator without fighting.

When the hero, with the artefact, moves to the active square of the location, a window is displayed so he can have the choice to fight or not to fight the guardians (to avoid the player frustration).

Window message:

"You can enter in the location without fighting the guardians!
Do you want to fight the guardians?"

"YES" button --> to fight before entering.
"NO" button --> to enter without fighting.
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Unknown Hero

[Feature requests] New Artifacts Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Feature requests] New Artifacts   [Feature requests] New Artifacts Icon_minitime2015-07-21, 11:05

Quote from this post: http://www.ironfi.st/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6&start=30#p54

Quote :
All cursed artifacts should be "glued" to the hero and switch to another hero only when captured in combat. Also, it should be a game option.


Tweaks to the Alchemist's Tower (Pol):

Alchemist's Tower: Offers to remove all your cursed artifacts for 750 gold.

Tweaks: Instead of a fixed cost (750 gold), each cursed artifact should have a unique cost to be removed.
Also, the negative effect can be inverted for each cursed artifact at a cost.
When the negative effect of a cursed artifact is inverted, the artifact is no more "glued" to the hero.

Ex: Hideous Mask (prevents all wandering armies from joining your hero) becomes the Mask of Diplomat (increases the likelihood that wandering creatures will join your hero).

Ex: Fizbin of Misfortune (-2 to Morale) becomes Amulet of Gladness (+2 to Morale).

Ex: Tax Lien (-250 gold per turn) becomes the Annuity Contract (+250 gold per turn).

Ex: Amulet of Desperation (-2 to Luck) becomes the Amulet of Happiness (+2 to Luck).

Ex: Amulet of Evil Leprechaun (prevents learning a secondary skill next level up, then disappears) becomes Amulet of Expertise (allows 2 secondary skills to be learned next level up, then disappears).

Correspondence of cursed artifacts "inverted" in the Alchemist's Tower.

Hideous Mask: prevents all wandering armies from joining your hero --> Mask of Diplomat: increases the likelihood that wandering creatures will join your hero (initially, the strength of hero army should be between 200% to 500% of the strength of the wandering troop, it becomes 150% to 750%).


Fizbin of Misfortune: -2 to Morale --> Amulet of Gladness: +2 to Morale.


Tax Lien: -250 gold per turn --> Annuity Contract: +250 gold per turn.


Amulet of Desperation: -2 to Luck --> Amulet of Happiness: +2 to Luck.


Amulet of Evil Leprechaun: prevents learning a secondary skill next level up, then disappears --> Amulet of Expertise: allows 2 secondary skills to be learned next level up, then disappears.
(Note: if the hero cannot learn a secondary skill (all secondary skills to Expert level), then the artifact prevents learning a primary skill (or allows learning 2 primary skills)).


Hat of Landlubber: halves the movement on water (base hero movement) --> Seafarer's Coat: doubles the movement on water (base hero movement).


Obstruction Chains: -1 movement point (100 points) on adventure map --> Gourd of Stimulation: +1 movement point (100 points) on adventure map.


Too Small Boots: -2 movement points (200 points) on adventure map --> Walker Boots: +2 movement points (200 points) on adventure map.


Acknowledgment of Debt: costs you 500 gold per turn --> Birthright Tax: gives you 500 gold per turn.


Amulet of Disturbance: doubles cost of Spells on aventure map and during combat (base spell cost) --> Ring of Fluency: halves cost of Spells on aventure map and during combat (base spell cost).


Hoodoo Helmet: reduces by half all the future experience points gained by the hero (combat and adventure (chests, etc.))(base experience points) --> Helm of Felicity: doubles all the future experience points gained by the hero (combat and adventure (chests, etc.))(base experience points).


Cracked Shield: Defense -2 --> Shield of Longevity: Defense +2.


Broken Hammer: Attack -2 --> Hammer of Glory: Attack +2.


Cursed Gloves: disables all bonuses for all future captured artifacts, the newly captured artifacts only occupies a slot without bonuses (once the Cursed Gloves are removed at the Alchemist's Tower, all the Artifacts become active again) --> Sacred Gloves: disables all maluses for all future captured cursed artifacts, the newly captured cursed artifacts only occupies a slot without maluses.


Black Horseshoe: Luck -2 --> Lucky Ones Horseshoe: Luck +2. ;-)


At the Alchemist's Tower, the player has always the choice to remove a cursed artifact (or not), or to invert the cursed artifact effect. He must have enough gold to do so.
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[Feature requests] New Artifacts Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Feature requests] New Artifacts   [Feature requests] New Artifacts Icon_minitime2015-07-21, 11:06

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[Feature requests] New Artifacts Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Feature requests] New Artifacts   [Feature requests] New Artifacts Icon_minitime2015-07-21, 11:07

>Black Horseshoe: Luck -2 --> Lucky Ones Horseshoe: Luck +2.

Don't you think it's too many horseshoes already?

>Cracked Shield: Defense -2 --> Shield of Longevity: Defense +2.
>Broken Hammer: Attack -2 --> Hammer of Glory: Attack +2.

I also don't approve those because they are not satisfying the atmosphere, being more a somewhat mechanical.
However, an idea of a cursed artifact which lowers the primary stats is interesting in general.

>Amulet of Disturbance: doubles cost of Spells on aventure map and during combat (base spell cost) --> Ring of Fluency: halves cost of Spells on aventure map and during combat (base spell cost).

That's more interesting imo.

>Acknowledgment of Debt: costs you 500 gold per turn --> Birthright Tax: gives you 500 gold per turn.

Same as +250 gold per turn, there are too many artifacts giving gold. Moreover, the Endless Purse of Gold already gives 500 gold. You don't consider the game balance at all. With such great amount of cursed artifacts they will be met too often while the most "useful" artifact is still Fizbin of Misfortune.

I must note that "mirroring" artifacts, creatures, spells and factions in a fan-made development is a really bad decision in terms of the game authenticity and atmosphere. The game loses originality and the said assets become not that interesting because they have direct antipodes. It's like the general design stuff, you know.

However, some clever cursed artifact effects would be nice. For example, in H3SW we made the Evil Eye a cursed artifact which casts Curse on all hero's troops in the beginning of combat, because the original effect of the Evil Eye is useless for our gameplay system. Perhaps something can be done in this direction - for example, the Voodoo Doll can be atmospheric enough because there are Roxana and Zombies/Zombie Mutants which somehow reflect this topic. This doll can be a very valuable artifact casting Mass Curse on enemy or whatever.
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Unknown Hero

[Feature requests] New Artifacts Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Feature requests] New Artifacts   [Feature requests] New Artifacts Icon_minitime2015-07-21, 11:07

Quote :
>Black Horseshoe: Luck -2 --> Lucky Ones Horseshoe: Luck +2.

Don't you think it's too many horseshoes already?
Yes, it's true, better to not use it.

Quote :
>Cracked Shield: Defense -2 --> Shield of Longevity: Defense +2.
>Broken Hammer: Attack -2 --> Hammer of Glory: Attack +2.

I also don't approve those because they are not satisfying the atmosphere, being more a somewhat mechanical.
However, an idea of a cursed artifact which lowers the primary stats is interesting in general.
Don't focus on names, can be easily changed.

Quote :
>Acknowledgment of Debt: costs you 500 gold per turn --> Birthright Tax: gives you 500 gold per turn.

Same as +250 gold per turn, there are too many artifacts giving gold. Moreover, the Endless Purse of Gold already gives 500 gold. You don't consider the game balance at all. With such great amount of cursed artifacts they will be met too often while the most "useful" artifact is still Fizbin of Misfortune.
At first they are cursed artifacts, and the mapmaker can decide to not put an Alchemist's Tower on the map, his choice.

Also, as the additions to the Alchemist's Tower changes the original gameplay, it should be a game option.
Each player must be able to play the game the way he want.

I think it would be fun to manage the cursed artifacts with new possibilities.

Also, I hope it would be easy to enable/disable artifacts in the game (ex: by setting their rarity to "0" they do not appear in the scenario (random artifacts)).

Quote :
I must note that "mirroring" artifacts, creatures, spells and factions in a fan-made development is a really bad decision in terms of the game authenticity and atmosphere. The game loses originality and the said assets become not that interesting because they have direct antipodes. It's like the general design stuff, you know.
Different people think differently, let the players/modders make their choices.

Quote :
However, some clever cursed artifact effects would be nice. For example, in H3SW we made the Evil Eye a cursed artifact which casts Curse on all hero's troops in the beginning of combat, because the original effect of the Evil Eye is useless for our gameplay system. Perhaps something can be done in this direction - for example, the Voodoo Doll can be atmospheric enough because there are Roxana and Zombies/Zombie Mutants which somehow reflect this topic. This doll can be a very valuable artifact casting Mass Curse on enemy or whatever.
I made a combined artifact, the Sword of Cursing, which automatically casts the Mass Curse spell for free at combat start.

1) Evil Eye: halves the cost of Curse spells.

2) Holy Pendant: makes all your troops immune to Curse spells.

3) Pendant of Beatitude: all your troops make max damage and are immune to Curse spells.

1 + 2 + 3) Sword of Cursing: Knowledge +2, halves the cost of Curse spells, all your troops make max damage and are immune to Curse spells, adds the Curse spells to the hero Magic Book, automatically casts the Mass Curse spell for free at combat start (the hero must have a Magic Book).
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Master Modder
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[Feature requests] New Artifacts Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Feature requests] New Artifacts   [Feature requests] New Artifacts Icon_minitime2015-08-12, 07:44

This is a draft for the future Statue of Legion for H3SW. I did it in H2 resolution in case it comes in handy for PI.

Ideas for the effect are welcome. Smile

[Feature requests] New Artifacts G5QJWKU

[Feature requests] New Artifacts L18zg1M
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[Feature requests] New Artifacts Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Feature requests] New Artifacts   [Feature requests] New Artifacts Icon_minitime2015-08-12, 09:34

Orzie wrote:
Ideas for the effect are welcome. Smile

[Feature requests] New Artifacts G5QJWKU

The one in the middle:
Titan Doll
This doll of Titans is full of black magic, bringing it to the battlefield will make any Titans vulnerable to mind spells.

yeah ok I know it's not a Titan... So maybe something like that would be better;
Old Soldier
This statuette is the Army General of King Ironfist! It will sure give more strength to your army!
Effect: Knights troops gain +1 to minimal damage.

yeah, it's yellow background... so kind or Rare artefact. Smile (Don't tell me it's an Ultimate Artefact!! ^^)

The 1st one:

Queen Crown
This crown seems to be previously owned by the queen of theses lands. The red rubies make a bloody light around you and affect your army on battlefield.

Effect: Creatures of your army loose 1 less HP on each attack they get. (I mean stacks, or Peasants with 1HP can't die hahahaha...)
Ultimate artefact effect: Your army regenerate HP each turn. (like trolls)

The 3rd one:

Italian Shield
You seems more happy! You can act wounded when you aren't!

Effect: When your last creature die in the battle, it doesn't die, it act dead! And you then can run away the battle. (The next turn the creature is alive.)

Of course, this one is a kind of joke... Razz
In HoMM2 "roleplay", what does theses 3 colors stands for??? :scratch:

~Lands of Enroth~
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Sir Albe
Sir Albe

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[Feature requests] New Artifacts Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Feature requests] New Artifacts   [Feature requests] New Artifacts Icon_minitime2015-08-12, 19:44

Pretty funny proposals, but maybe just a H2 version of the Statue of the Legion effect with growth boosts should be chosen.

The two other artifacts already have decided effect in H2, so I am not sure new effects will be needed Smile I think Orzie featured them to compare them with the new Statue artifact.
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Registration Date : 2015-09-06

[Feature requests] New Artifacts Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Feature requests] New Artifacts   [Feature requests] New Artifacts Icon_minitime2015-09-08, 07:38

Orzie wrote:
This is a draft for the future Statue of Legion for H3SW. I did it in H2 resolution in case it comes in handy for PI.

Ideas for the effect are welcome. Smile

[Feature requests] New Artifacts G5QJWKU

Good idea to make the sprites compatible with H2 resolution, so they can be used for both projects. Wink

We need a lot of sprites for the artifacts...


Some suggestion for the sprite.

Reduce the height of the statue so there is more space on top and bottom of the sprite. I know it's this way in Heroes 3, but it can be done better (in my opinion)... Smile

Make the shadow of the statue less wide.

Make the statue more "luminous", look at the other sprites, they "pops", the statue seems duller.

There are defects in the gold background, it should be more regular.

The graphic style is perfect. Really good work.

I hope you make a lot of them. Wink


For the effect, just like Sir Albe, I think an adapted version for boosting the creatures growth is indicated.


Last edited by Unknown_Hero on 2015-09-09, 07:14; edited 1 time in total
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[Feature requests] New Artifacts Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Feature requests] New Artifacts   [Feature requests] New Artifacts Icon_minitime2015-09-08, 17:25

Quote :
Some suggestion for the sprite.

It will anyway need redesign, probably a kneeled-down statue shape or whatever. Still, it can be used as placeholder.

[Feature requests] New Artifacts L18zg1M
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[Feature requests] New Artifacts Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Feature requests] New Artifacts   [Feature requests] New Artifacts Icon_minitime2016-04-11, 04:43

Artifacts changes.

Cape of Transportation: Knowledge +2, gives the ability to cast Distant Meeting spell (the hero must have a Magic Book).

Distant Meeting.

Level: 6
Cost: 30
Type: Adventure
Target: na
Duration: na

Effect: The hero can meet another player hero without moving, then the heroes can exchange troops and artifacts as usual.

How it work: When the hero cast the Distant Meeting spell, he can choose the hero to meet in a list (just like the hero chooses a castle in a list when he casts the Town Portal spell).
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