This topic contains information about new heroes to be added in Project Ironfist with the Cyborg Faction.
1. Sheltem (most probably, a campaign-only character)
This portrait was made from the original Darkside of Xeen cutscene with some fixes and palette adjustments. It already works fine in Heroes 2 so sometimes I have fun with it
Medium and small versions are in progress.
2. Kastore (probably, not having his name like that because of his original Heroes 2 retcon)
The original character related to the classic NWC Forge originates from Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra and was later featured in Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor.
Fun is, Heroes 2 had its own Kastore (made from Might and Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen character called
Seymour). The original Kastore had another portrait which I decided to recreate in Heroes 2.
Big and medium versions are to be made.
3. Darkshade
Like Kastore, this character originates from MM3 and was later featured in MM7 and planned to be part of the new Forge faction for HOMM3: Armageddon's Blade.
He was not featured in Heroes 1-2 so that it can stay as is.
Big and medium versions are to be made.
4. Tolberti
Like the upper two, Tolberti was also a character from MM3 and MM7 related to the Evil faction in MM7. I varied his design a little and perhaps we can use him as another Cyborg hero.
Big and medium versions are to be made.
5. Maximus (unsure if Darmani supports the idea)
Maximus was one of the 4 Evil party members of the Terrans who arrived on Enroth on Lincoln spaceship. He is retconned in Heroes 1-2 and made a part of the Knight faction. I consider moving him to the Cyborg domain to provide a historical justice, varying his concept a little and filling the Knight vacancy with Lord Haart or Arturius since these characters also belong to Enroth but are not featured in Heroes 2 for some reason, especially Lord Haart who is documented in the game lore as the participant of The Succession Wars while he is present only in final Roland's mission with the portrait of Sir Gallant.