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» Fanstratics
[H3SW v0.8.0] Bugged Black Tower (shifted, non-clickable) Icon_minitimeby Blake01 2024-10-06, 04:19

» Nowy silnik do Heroes 1?
[H3SW v0.8.0] Bugged Black Tower (shifted, non-clickable) Icon_minitimeby Baronus 2024-10-05, 05:36

» Polskie powitanie
[H3SW v0.8.0] Bugged Black Tower (shifted, non-clickable) Icon_minitimeby zaisty 2024-10-04, 13:20

» [H3SW v0.8.2] Desert Isle
[H3SW v0.8.0] Bugged Black Tower (shifted, non-clickable) Icon_minitimeby Sir Albe 2024-10-02, 03:03

» New Heroes of Might and Magic!
[H3SW v0.8.0] Bugged Black Tower (shifted, non-clickable) Icon_minitimeby Blake01 2024-09-28, 00:54

» Silence of the Siren (HoMM like scifi game)
[H3SW v0.8.0] Bugged Black Tower (shifted, non-clickable) Icon_minitimeby Blake01 2024-09-27, 23:41

» WARNING - The dreaded moment is here: Heroes 6 servers shutting down
[H3SW v0.8.0] Bugged Black Tower (shifted, non-clickable) Icon_minitimeby Blake01 2024-09-22, 18:51

Global announcements should be:
Everlasting, 1 for each project.
[H3SW v0.8.0] Bugged Black Tower (shifted, non-clickable) Redbar110%[H3SW v0.8.0] Bugged Black Tower (shifted, non-clickable) Redbar12
 0% [ 0 ]
Temporary, when there is something new to announce.
[H3SW v0.8.0] Bugged Black Tower (shifted, non-clickable) Redbar11100%[H3SW v0.8.0] Bugged Black Tower (shifted, non-clickable) Redbar12
 100% [ 6 ]
Holalala... No idea where the Ultimate artifact is.
[H3SW v0.8.0] Bugged Black Tower (shifted, non-clickable) Redbar110%[H3SW v0.8.0] Bugged Black Tower (shifted, non-clickable) Redbar12
 0% [ 0 ]
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 [H3SW v0.8.0] Bugged Black Tower (shifted, non-clickable)

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Master Modder
Master Modder

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Registration Date : 2014-12-12
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Location : Turkey

[H3SW v0.8.0] Bugged Black Tower (shifted, non-clickable) Empty
PostSubject: [H3SW v0.8.0] Bugged Black Tower (shifted, non-clickable)   [H3SW v0.8.0] Bugged Black Tower (shifted, non-clickable) Icon_minitime2019-01-03, 01:24

This is the bug from the initial build of the mod.

1. Delete the game directory with all its contents.
2. Re-download the mod from any of our 3 mirrors (ModDB, Dropbox, Google Drive)
3. Install the game.
4. Install H3SW v0.8.0.
5. Install HD Mod if required.
6. Don't forget to write the =0 line in the Tweaks tab of the HD Mod Launcher.

[H3SW v0.8.0] Bugged Black Tower (shifted, non-clickable) L18zg1M
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[H3SW v0.8.0] Bugged Black Tower (shifted, non-clickable)
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