sirDranik briefly mentioned a planned future add-on in which the AI will be improved in an "Extremely Impossible" mode. Can you give us some information on this?
Subject: Re: [Beyond 1.0] Future Add-on Planned For AI 2020-08-12, 02:56
We're planning to make AI much more logically 'smarter' in comparison with the original AI so the development of AI and battle system will be better which automatically makes player's life worse No extra tweaks and benefits for AI as it doesn't help much.
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Subject: Re: [Beyond 1.0] Future Add-on Planned For AI 2020-08-12, 05:52
Subject: Re: [Beyond 1.0] Future Add-on Planned For AI 2020-08-13, 10:28
We are not sure, that we're going to implement separate option to choose, but i'm preety sure, that the hardest level will make even experienced players think of starting map on a easier difficuilty level.
Subject: Re: [Beyond 1.0] Future Add-on Planned For AI 2020-08-13, 20:37
sirDranik wrote:
We are not sure, that we're going to implement separate option to choose, but i'm preety sure, that the hardest level will make even experienced players think of starting map on a easier difficuilty level.
Sounds really promising... ...and the options therefore necessary.
AI in fheroes2 is written from scratch and we are constantly improving it. Right now it is done by about 50% but now it is on a par with the original AI. Our AI weak places are mostly on map exploration while in battle it behaves way better than the original. There will be no definition or timeline that immediately after 1.0 release we are going to do another update of AI. It could happen even before depending on provided solutions and ideas.
We welcome anyone who wants to participate and contribute to the the project. You can join our Discord server where other members of the team can discuss ideas as well. Most of core stuff for AI is done by idshbanov.
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Subject: Re: [Beyond 1.0] Future Add-on Planned For AI