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[Heroes 2 Bugs] Unable To Land Icon_minitimeby Blake01 2024-10-06, 04:19

» Nowy silnik do Heroes 1?
[Heroes 2 Bugs] Unable To Land Icon_minitimeby Baronus 2024-10-05, 05:36

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[Heroes 2 Bugs] Unable To Land Icon_minitimeby zaisty 2024-10-04, 13:20

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[Heroes 2 Bugs] Unable To Land Icon_minitimeby Sir Albe 2024-10-02, 03:03

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[Heroes 2 Bugs] Unable To Land Icon_minitimeby Blake01 2024-09-28, 00:54

» Silence of the Siren (HoMM like scifi game)
[Heroes 2 Bugs] Unable To Land Icon_minitimeby Blake01 2024-09-27, 23:41

» WARNING - The dreaded moment is here: Heroes 6 servers shutting down
[Heroes 2 Bugs] Unable To Land Icon_minitimeby Blake01 2024-09-22, 18:51

Global announcements should be:
Everlasting, 1 for each project.
[Heroes 2 Bugs] Unable To Land Redbar110%[Heroes 2 Bugs] Unable To Land Redbar12
 0% [ 0 ]
Temporary, when there is something new to announce.
[Heroes 2 Bugs] Unable To Land Redbar11100%[Heroes 2 Bugs] Unable To Land Redbar12
 100% [ 6 ]
Holalala... No idea where the Ultimate artifact is.
[Heroes 2 Bugs] Unable To Land Redbar110%[Heroes 2 Bugs] Unable To Land Redbar12
 0% [ 0 ]
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 [Heroes 2 Bugs] Unable To Land

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Messages : 780
Quality Points : 78
Registration Date : 2015-09-06

[Heroes 2 Bugs] Unable To Land Empty
PostSubject: [Heroes 2 Bugs] Unable To Land   [Heroes 2 Bugs] Unable To Land Icon_minitime2020-07-15, 00:35

English Gold version 2.1
Map: AMaze.mp2
Save: a 0989 unable to land 100.GM1

Ranloo cannot land at the spot below the pile of crystal or at the spot next to the iron golems.
There is nothing at these positions in the scenario editor.

[Heroes 2 Bugs] Unable To Land EkTScwu

Files: Unable to land.7z
Files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AGB4OPOF0JY015wSxXOBkz8Uij8wTEqr/view?usp=sharing
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Messages : 780
Quality Points : 78
Registration Date : 2015-09-06

[Heroes 2 Bugs] Unable To Land Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Heroes 2 Bugs] Unable To Land   [Heroes 2 Bugs] Unable To Land Icon_minitime2020-07-27, 22:55

Similar bugs.
Illustration files are in the download file.

English version 1.3
Maps: ValariaP.mp2, FauxSemb.mp2, LatticeWo.mp2, DeadsDaw.mp2
Saves: a 0 9999 cannot disembark 01.GM1, a 0715 no spot to disembark 02.GM1, a 0881 unable to disembark 05.GM1, a 0951 no landing 20.GM1

Save: a 0 9999 cannot disembark 01.GM1
Ambrose cannot disembark near the treasure chest.

Save: a 0715 no spot to disembark 02.GM1
Doppelganger cannot disembark near the castle.

Save: a 0881 unable to disembark 05.GM1
Vatawna cannot disembark near the castle.

Save: a 0951 no landing 20.GM1
Gem cannot disembark near the artifact.

Files: Unable to land suite.7z
Files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y4qJQrnSKRQvoVYyjln6EDzhywECzaoz/view?usp=sharing
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[Heroes 2 Bugs] Unable To Land
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