English Gold version 2.1
Maps: BattleZo.mx2, BalancV2.mx2, BloodyIs.mp2, AnvilEmp.mx2, AllSmile.mp2
Save: a 0944 summon boat failed 40.GX1
Gem casts Summon boat spell but the spell is failed.
However, a boat is available east of Gem's position and she was the last occupant of this boat.
If Gem is positioned four steps south near the shore, the spell works normally, near the crystal mine (two steps south) it doesn't work, one step south of the crystal mine (three steps south) it doesn't work either.
Save: a 0888 summon boat failed 40.GX1
Move Myra near the shore. The Summon Boat spell fails.
Save: a 0697 summon boat failed 300.GM1
Crag Hack is near the shore, near the gold mine. The Summon Boat spell fails.
Save: a 0486 summon boat pas embarquement 01.GX1
Dawn casts Summon boat without moving. The Summon Boat spell fails.
Save: a 0825 unable to summon boat.GM1
Move Wrathmont to the spot. Wrathmont casts Summon boat, the Summon Boat spell fails.
It is the same for the three spots located in the north, the spot located in the south and the spot located in the southwest.
Files: Summon boat failed.7z
Files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vG3vfQl9HehkaQC93i4YRjBt2Pp9xi8F/view?usp=sharing
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