English Gold version 2.1
Map: BalancV2.mx2
Save: 0999.GX1 (scenario start)
This graveyard has not been visited yet.
Save: a 0960 graveyard not visited before Ranloo 02.GX1
Ranloo wins the combat against 5 to 9 green dragons with a small army of 1 to 4 vampires, 1 to 4 battle dwarves, 50 to 99 halflings and 1 to 4 skeletons, is this a bug?
You may have to reload 2 or 3 times the save file if Ranloo does not win the combat on the first try.
Save: a 0939 Ranloo wins 5 green dragon 03.GX1
Ranloo visits the graveyard, and wins with his small army against 100 mutant zombies!?
Dawn wins the combat against Ranloo but does not capture any artifact despite Ranloo having visited the graveyard.
Save: a 0934 Dawn wins Ranloo but no artifact from graveyard 30.GX1
Files: Ranloo no artifact from graveyard.7z
Files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aljIpsIeL61ex6FyjJzrcpTPOTDnJlVx/view?usp=sharing