Currently, there is no way to check/change certain properties of a hero.
Returns the quantity of empty army slots in the specified hero's army.
CountSameArtifact(hero, artifact)
Returns the quantity of the same specified artifact present in the specified hero's inventory.
SetArmyCombatFormation(hero, formation)
formation: the formation of the army during combat. Can be set to "0" or "1".
- "0" for Spread.
- "1" for Grouped.
Sets the formation of the army during combat for the specified hero.
SetArmyCombatFormationCaptain(town, formation)
formation: the formation of the army during combat. Can be set to "0" or "1".
- "0" for Spread.
- "1" for Grouped.
Sets the formation of the army during combat for the specified captain.
Returns the X coordinate on the world map of the specified hero.
Returns the Y coordinate on the world map of the specified hero.
ChangeHeroOwner(hero, player)
Changes the owner of the specified hero to the specified player.
Returns "true" is the specified hero is located in a town, returns "false" otherwise.
Returns "true" is the specified hero is located in a boat, returns "false" otherwise.
Returns "true" is the specified hero is located on land, returns "false" otherwise.
Returns "true" is the specified hero is controlled by an AI player, returns "false" otherwise.
Returns "true" is the specified hero did surrender in last combat, returns "false" otherwise.
Returns "true" is the specified hero did retreat in last combat, returns "false" otherwise.
***** Updated on March 28, 2017 *****
CountSameCreature(hero, creature)
Returns the quantity of army number of the same specified creature, present in the inventory of the specified hero.