In the Ironfist editor, Lord Varuun is represented by a Knight sprite on the map.
He has a Necromancer portrait, and no special secondary skills.
During the game, Lord Varuun is also represented by a Knight sprite on the map.
During combat, he has a Knight sprite and his name is "Lord Varuun the Knight".
But he has the primary skills of a Necromancer, Attack 1, Defense 0, Spell Power 2, Knowledge 2, and the secondary skills of a Necromancer, Wisdom Basic and Necromancy Basic.
It does not seem to have changes for this in the map script.
Has this been changed elsewhere?
I have made some tests.
The choosen portrait for the hero determines what the hero gets for the primary and secondary skills, and also for the troops.
If you choose a Warlock portrait, the hero gets all skills and troops of a Warlock, it doesn't matter which hero sprite is selected for the hero on the map.