You know, I've been a diehard fan of HoMM2 and Space Quest games at the same time. I still value the adventures of Roger Wilco the most, and I recently came up with an idea of a short movie dedicated to Heroes of Might and Magic in pixel art, illustrating the adventures of some Enrothian characters in a humorous style, mocking on the current generation of HoMM games and a lot of other stuff.
I got inspired by Space Quest interface and general concepts, and also this video by Bowz who decently implemented an idea I was bearing too. So that I would like to make something like this in future.
The only graphics I managed to do for now is the speech animation for Thundax. Still rough, but okay for demonstration. This is the panel for speaking characters.
The main plot was supposed to feature Thundax the Barbarian and Carlawn the Sorceress (due to their similarity with Heroes 2 classes) and their various dialogs where they encounter various things and comment on them.
The heroes are planned to be based on their class mini-versions
with somewhat high-res versions
reworked into full-height figures with animation.
Who knows, perhaps when I'll be more free, I will try to bring this to life. Yet, I realize that there is a real lot of work to handle alone.