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Holalala... No idea where the Ultimate artifact is.
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 What do you think of the "HOMM 2 Mod" changes?

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Steven Aus
Steven Aus

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Registration Date : 2015-07-21
Age : 44

What do you think of the "HOMM 2 Mod" changes? Empty
PostSubject: What do you think of the "HOMM 2 Mod" changes?   What do you think of the "HOMM 2 Mod" changes? Icon_minitime2015-07-22, 02:15

Could they work as one of the official rulesets?

QUOTE from "changes.txt":

Increased Peasant basic growth from 12 to 24 (total 24+2+8=34)
Decreased Peasant gold cost from 20 to 15
Increased Peasant speed from Very Slow to Slow
Increased Archer/Ranger hit points from 10 to 11
Increased Pikeman/Veteran Pikeman hit points from 15/20 to 16/21
Increased Pikeman/Veteran Pikeman damage from 3-4 to 3-5
Increased Pikeman/Veteran Pikeman gold cost from 200/250 to 210/260
Increased Swordsman/Master Swordsman hit points from 25/30 to 26/31
Increased Swordsman/Master Swordsman damage from 4-6 to 4-7
Increased Swordsman/Master Swordsman gold cost from 250/300 to 260/310
Increased Cavalry/Champion hit points from 30/40 to 35/45
Increased Cavalry/Champion gold cost from 300/375 to 340/415
Decreased Jousting Arena wood cost from 20 to 15
Increased Paladin/Crusader hit points from 50/65 to 60/75
Increased Paladin gold cost from 600 to 675
Decreased Cathedral wood cost from 20 to 10
Decreased Upg. Cathedral cost from 10 wood, 10 crystal, 5000 gold to 10 wood, 5 crystal, 3500 gold
Decreased Fortifications wood/ore cost from 5/15 to 0/10

Increased Goblin basic growth from 10 to 12 (total 12+2+8=22)
Increased Orc hit points from 10 to 11
Increased Wolf defense from 2 to 4
Increased Wolf gold cost from 200 to 210
Decreased Ogre Lord hit points from 60 to 55
Decreased Ogre Lord gold cost from 500 to 475
Decreased Troll/War Troll gold cost from 600/700 to 575/650
Increased Cyclops hit points from 80 to 85
Increased Cyclops gold cost from 750 to 800
Decreased Pyramid ore cost from 20 to 10
Decreased Coliseum cost from 10 wood, 10 ore, 2000 gold to 5 wood, 5 ore, 1500 gold

Increased Sprite basic growth from 8 to 10 (total 10+2+8=20)
Decreased Dwarf/Battle Dwarf gold cost from 200/250 to 190/235
Increased Elf Attack skill from 4 to 5
Increased Grand Elf Attack skill from 5 to 7
Increased Elf/Grand Elf hit points from 15 to 16
Increased Upg. Stonehenge gold cost from 1500 to 2000
Increased Unicorn hit points from 40 to 45
Increased Unicorn gold cost from 500 to 515
Changed Rainbow's mercury/crystal cost from 0/10 to 5/5

Increased Cave ore cost from 0 to 5
Decreased Crypt ore cost from 10 to 5
Decreased Hydra gold cost from 800 to 775
Decreased Green/Red/Black Dragon basic growth from 1 to 0 (total 0+2=2)
Decreased Red/Black Dragon hit points from 250/300 to 240/280
Decreased Green Tower gold cost from 15000 to 13000
Increased Red/Black Tower gold cost from 5000 to 6000
Increased Dungeon cost from 5 wood, 10 ore, 3000 gold to 5 wood, 10 Ore, 3500 gold, and 3/3/3/3 rare

Increased Halfling gold cost from 50 gold to 55 gold
Increased Boar defense from 4 to 5
Increased Roc defense from 7 to 8
Decreased Upg. Ivory Tower gold cost from 4000 to 3000
Increased Giant hit points from 150 to 155
Decreased Giant/Titan basic growth from 1 to 0 (total 0+2=2)
Decreased Titan hit points from 300 to 280
Decreased Titan gold cost from 5000 to 4500
Decreased Cloud Castle gold cost from 12500 to 7500
Increased Upg. Cloud Castle gold cost from 12500 to 16500

Decreased Skeleton gold cost from 75 to 70
Increased Zombie speed from Very Slow to Slow
Increases Zombie/Mutant Zombie defense from 2 to 3
Decreased Zombie/Mutant Zombie gold cost from 150/200 to 140/190
Increased Mummy/Royal Mummy defense from 6 to 7
Changed Upg. Mansion cost from 5 wood, 10 crystal, 10 gems, 4000 gold to 5 wood, 10 mercury, 5 crystal, 3000 gold
Increased Lich hit points from 25 to 30 but decreased defense from 12 to 11.
Decreased Lich/Power Lich gold cost from 750/900 to 650/750
Changed Upg. Mausoleum cost from 5 ore, 5 crystal, 3000 gold to 5 ore, 5 sulfur, 2500 gold
Decreased Bone Dragon hit points from 150 to 140
Increased Bone Dragon gold cost from 1500 to 1600
Increased Laboratory mercury & gold cost from 5 mercury, 10000 gold to 10 mercury, 12000 gold

Decreased Mage Guild Lv2 rare resource cost from 4 to 2
Decreased Mage Guild Lv3 rare resource cost from 6 to 4
Decreased Mage Guild Lv4 rare resource cost from 8 to 6
Decreased Mage Guild Lv5 rare resource cost from 10 to 8
Decreased Shipyard wood cost from 20 to 15

Knight Lv 2-9: No change: 35/45/10/10
Knight Lv 10+: No change: 25/25/25/25
Barbarian Lv 2-9: No change: 55/35/5/5
Barbarian Lv 10+: No change: 25/25/25/25 (manual incorrect, it's NOT 30/30/20/20)
Sorceress Lv 2-9: 20/25/25/30 from 10/10/30/50
Sorceress Lv 10+: 20/25/25/30 from 20/20/30/30
Warlock Lv 2-9: 20/20/35/25 from 10/10/50/30
Warlock Lv 10+: No change: 20/20/30/30
Wizard Lv 2-9: 20/20/30/30 from 10/10/40/40
Wizard Lv 10+: No change: 20/20/30/30
Necro Lv 2-9: 25/25/25/25 from 15/15/35/35
Necro Lv 10+: No change: 25/25/25/25
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Master Modder
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PostSubject: Re: What do you think of the "HOMM 2 Mod" changes?   What do you think of the "HOMM 2 Mod" changes? Icon_minitime2015-07-22, 04:16

I suppose you present a somewhat modified version of UndeadHalfOrc's patch featured in the General Modding section. I don't know what Darmani thinks about balancing, but personally I'm totally for saving the classic stats until we have a selection of online players able to make a conclusion about this or that. Changing stats or prices without a comprehensive online gaming statistics is no more than a pure guess, highly subjective.

The only chance to get online experience is currently starving HeroesPortal.net. We even have created the Tournament Arena to provide multiplayer Heroes 2 a longer life. Project Ironfist now is the only one hope to provide possibilities for making an ultimate tournament edition for Heroes 2 so these people might be interested.

What do you think of the "HOMM 2 Mod" changes? L18zg1M
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Master Modder
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What do you think of the "HOMM 2 Mod" changes? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What do you think of the "HOMM 2 Mod" changes?   What do you think of the "HOMM 2 Mod" changes? Icon_minitime2015-07-22, 04:47

I'm a little bit more optimistic than Orzie about being able to balance without extensive multiplayer data, and would note that UndeadHalfOrc and I did base some of those changes on multiplayer experience. The introduction of the Cyborg would throw off balance though, so it's a bit premature to focus on this right now.
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PostSubject: Re: What do you think of the "HOMM 2 Mod" changes?   What do you think of the "HOMM 2 Mod" changes? Icon_minitime

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