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fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitimeby Blake01 2024-10-06, 04:19

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fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitimeby Baronus 2024-10-05, 05:36

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fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitimeby Blake01 2024-09-28, 00:54

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fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitimeby Blake01 2024-09-27, 23:41

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 fheroes2 General Announcements

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Messages : 42
Quality Points : 17
Registration Date : 2020-07-26

fheroes2 General Announcements Empty
PostSubject: fheroes2 General Announcements   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2020-08-05, 01:02

fheroes2 is an open source recreation of the original game engine, built to be cross-platform and without the limitations of original engine. The project roadmap is defined in milestones, each having its own goals.

You can download the latest version of the engine here.

Last edited by ihhub on 2023-09-13, 19:01; edited 28 times in total

GodRage, Uhm, Mefista, dodge, Jachu, ihhub, sirDranik and like this post

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Registration Date : 2020-07-26

fheroes2 General Announcements Empty
PostSubject: version 0.8.1   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2020-09-05, 02:34

Dear players and fans of Heroes of Might and Magic II.

We're pleased to announce a new release of fheroes2 - 0.8.1 version. We decided to make an intermediate version as we made a huge rework on graphics: we developed a new rendering engine which fixes all major graphical issues such as incorrect Air Elemental or Resurrection Spell drawings, shadows and fonts.

0.8 version (before):
fheroes2 General Announcements Battle10
0.8.1 version (now):
fheroes2 General Announcements Battle11
0.8 version (before):
fheroes2 General Announcements Map_0_10
0.8.1 version (now):
fheroes2 General Announcements Map_0_11

We also fixed more than 50 bugs for this release. Armageddon

We hope that you'd enjoy it! Unknown spell

GodRage, Tibor0803, Jachu, ihhub and sirDranik like this post

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Registration Date : 2020-07-26

fheroes2 General Announcements Empty
PostSubject: Re: fheroes2 General Announcements   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2020-10-05, 02:35

Greeting, players and fans of Heroes of Might and Magic II!

We're happy to announce a fresh release of fheroes2 - 0.8.2 version. This is an intermediate release towards 0.9 version which contains some not very noticeable but very important changes: we finally released a brand new AI, polished many-many UI issues, change the structure of maps, added deeper support of campaign and made user friendly interface for external music which is present in full version of the game.   Positive moral

Now movement of heroes of the map is delightfully smooth as in the original game. Also take a look of fixed UI elements in the battle (take a look at extra surrounding shadows of monsters and truncated shadow of Phoenix in 0.8.1 version):

fheroes2 General Announcements 0_8_110

fheroes2 General Announcements 0_8_210

We also fixed more than 100 bugs for this release. Fireblast

We hope that you'd like our project even more! fheroes2 General Announcements 1090364995

GodRage, Mefista, Jachu, ihhub and sirDranik like this post

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Registration Date : 2020-07-26

fheroes2 General Announcements Empty
PostSubject: version 0.8.3   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2020-11-05, 04:00

Dear fans and players of Heroes of Might and Magic II!

We're excited to announce a new release of fheroes2 - 0.8.3 version. This is an intermediate release just before 0.9 version with many interesting changes. One of them is that AI became even smarter: it properly manipulates castle construction, monster and hero recruitment, creates a complex and optimized routes over map to visit needed objects, fights monsters and collect items on the way. Also we improved rendering speed of the world map by more than 20%, fixed drawings in castles (the original game draws them improperly), fixed well-known War Troll's stone and Cavalry sprites (also incorrect in the original game) and made many other changes. fheroes2 General Announcements 783017101

Have a look at screenshots from the original game and our project (notice how Tavern or Hut for example are rendered):

fheroes2 General Announcements Barbar11

fheroes2 General Announcements Barbar10

and here's a comparison of Cavalry sprite and War Troll's stone (note that we didn't modify the original resources):

fheroes2 General Announcements Cavalr11

fheroes2 General Announcements Cavalr10

fheroes2 General Announcements Troll_11

fheroes2 General Announcements Troll_10

As usual we also fixed more than 100 bugs for this release. Haste

Enjoy it! fheroes2 General Announcements 2674570714

GodRage, Mefista, Jachu, ihhub and sirDranik like this post

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Registration Date : 2020-07-26

fheroes2 General Announcements Empty
PostSubject: Re: fheroes2 General Announcements   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2020-12-24, 02:12

Good day/evening/morning, fans of Heroes of Might and Magic 2

We're very excited to reveal a new release of fheroes2 - 0.8.4 version just before Christmas and New Year holidays! The team decided to split 0.9 release and give you an opportunity to enjoy the better game once we polish few more things before major 0.9 release. For this release we made main focus on game's logic and mechanics and fixed many places in the game: scrollbars, unit stack separation by keyboard, UI dialog elements and interaction with objects on maps. More importantly, we improve game's performance on low-profile devices and fixed the issue with full screen for SDL 2 builds. As usual here is a set of screenshots for visual changes of the game:
- Freeman's Foundry (notice that the original game does not show the third monster)
0.8.3 version (before):
fheroes2 General Announcements Upgrad10
0.8.4 version (now):
fheroes2 General Announcements Upgrad11

- Monster's small icons (the original game has the same defects as before 0.8.4)
0.8.3 version (before):
fheroes2 General Announcements Mage_011
fheroes2 General Announcements Ranger10
fheroes2 General Announcements Vetera10
0.8.4 version (now):
fheroes2 General Announcements Mage_012
fheroes2 General Announcements Ranger11
fheroes2 General Announcements Vetera11

We also fixed over 100 bugs for this release. fheroes2 General Announcements 693862157

Enjoy upcoming holidays and the game! fheroes2 General Announcements 2792972323

GodRage, Mefista, Jachu, ihhub and sirDranik like this post

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Registration Date : 2020-07-26

fheroes2 General Announcements Empty
PostSubject: Re: fheroes2 General Announcements   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2021-02-07, 00:54

Dear players and fans of Heroes of Might and Magic II.

fheroes2 project has been updated to 0.9 version! This version includes finally redesigned AI, new Town Portal spell dialog and highlighted area for mass spells. Of course a lot of logic has been changed changes and the team fixed many bugs related to UI and to mechanics such as 2-hex creature movements or Hypnosis and Berserk spells. On top of this the game now is about 10% faster than previous version. fheroes2 General Announcements 1090364995

Check how new AI behaves. We ran the same map but for different versions.
- old (0.8 version):
fheroes2 General Announcements 0_810
- new AI (0.9 version):
fheroes2 General Announcements 0_910

The Town Portal spell dialog looks like this:
fheroes2 General Announcements Town_p10

and mass spells in the battle now much more informative:
fheroes2 General Announcements Mass_s10

We also fixed over 100 bugs for this release. fheroes2 General Announcements 492241716

Please enjoy the game and support our project! fheroes2 General Announcements 3545995532

GodRage, Uhm, Unknown_Hero, Jachu, ihhub and sirDranik like this post

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Registration Date : 2020-07-26

fheroes2 General Announcements Empty
PostSubject: Re: fheroes2 General Announcements   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2021-03-07, 02:20

Greetings, Heroes of Might and Magic 2 fans!

Just recently we released previous update and now we're presenting a new version of fheroes2 project! Every month the game engine becomes better, faster and higher quality!
You can have a chance to try 0.9.1 release where our unstoppable team fixed a lot of issues and added something new to the game:

- we added an option of instant battle where you can finally skip boring and extremely easy battles saving your time

You can choose between manual and instant battle with or without spellcasting
fheroes2 General Announcements Auto_b10

- window resizing on SDL 2 was included in the release allowing users to choose any resolution and still play in a windowed mode
- AI has become even more craftier and smarter! Be ready to face it on the map and during battles!
- finally we added "View World" feature which was demanded by many players. There are some polish actions required but you can fully use the feature without issues

(Related spells will be implemented soon)
fheroes2 General Announcements View_w10

- the team completed implementation of fast unit splitting with mouse: now you can master a new way and immediately sort all your troops with just few clicks

(With the help of fast split buttons you can easily divide a troop into several or even redistribute both selected stacks)
fheroes2 General Announcements Unit_s10

- A partial continuation of campaign was also added into the release where you can test your skills in first few scenarios of the original campaigns. Please keep in mind that the project is still in active development so the full campaign support will be surely added upon 1.0 release.

In this month our squad fixed more than 50 bugs and rewrote a lot of source code to optimize the game and fix any potential issues.fheroes2 General Announcements 2234040487

We really hope that you would enjoy the play! Positive moral

GodRage, Uhm, dodge, Unknown_Hero, Jachu, ihhub and sirDranik like this post

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Registration Date : 2020-07-26

fheroes2 General Announcements Empty
PostSubject: Re: fheroes2 General Announcements   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2021-04-09, 03:08

Greetings, dear Heroes of Might and Magic II fans!

The first month of spring was marked by the enormous enthusiasm of our heroic team. And here's 0.9.2 release!

The team finally added support of view type spells - View Heroes/Towns/Artifacts/Resources/Mines/All. From now on all spells from the original game are fully supported by fheroes2! On top of this we fixed many issues with other spells such as Hypnotize, Blind or Berserk. Wizard's Hat

fheroes2 General Announcements Spells11

In the newest version you could encounter large obstacles in battles which were missing before due to incorrect implementation. fheroes2 General Announcements 492241716

fheroes2 General Announcements Obstac10

Also a huge work was done for AI. Now your opponent won't hesitate to use some powerful mass spells, blind your monsters or just destroy everything with a single lightning shot or with annihilating Armageddon! Moreover, AI takes an advantage of 2-hex attacking creatures and it will make sure to hit as many foes as possible. Attack

In previous release we added an option of instant battle. We decided to improve it, as a result the team added a Restart button. A player who is unhappy with instant battle results can hit the button and replay the battle manually.

fheroes2 General Announcements Restar10

On top of all this we fixed more than 100 bugs.  fheroes2 General Announcements 2219019649

GodRage, dodge, Unknown_Hero, Jachu, ihhub and sirDranik like this post

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Registration Date : 2020-07-26

fheroes2 General Announcements Empty
PostSubject: Re: fheroes2 General Announcements   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2021-05-06, 02:38

Hello, dear fans of Heroes of Might and Magic 2!

Another month and another release! fheroes2 has been updated to 0.9.3 version! fheroes2 General Announcements 3265638273

We have many things to share with Heroes of Might and Magic II players. We hope, you're aware that our work is still going with a full force.

In the last month we finally fixed one of the biggest visible issues: shadows around heroes on the World map. Previously shadows were rendered with unknown logic, even the same one multiple times. But now rendering looks as good as possible!
Also we added few more things making the game interface more friendly and pleasant to use. We brought to life buttons for fast exchange of armies and artifacts in hero meeting dialog.
fheroes2 General Announcements New_bu10
On top of this we made changes in Lich shooting attack. Now the area of the attack is visible helping players to perform the attack in known manner without any guesses.Necromancy
fheroes2 General Announcements Lich_s10
A huge improvement was added to fheroes2: we added support of the original languages of the game: Polish, French, German and Russian!Knowledge
fheroes2 General Announcements Polish10
fheroes2 General Announcements Russia10
fheroes2 General Announcements German10

And finally we almost finished the support of "The Succession Wars" campaigns, including bonuses and special victory conditions.
fheroes2 General Announcements Campai10

As usual our team spent enormous efforts for code quality as well fixed more than 80 bugs! We hope that you enjoy the game! fheroes2 General Announcements 1877943545

GodRage, dodge, Unknown_Hero, Jachu, ihhub and sirDranik like this post

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Registration Date : 2020-07-26

fheroes2 General Announcements Empty
PostSubject: Re: fheroes2 General Announcements   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2021-06-06, 00:23

Dear Heroes of Might and Magic II fans,

We're pleased to announce a brand new 0.9.4 release!  Armageddon

Past release had a basic support of The Succession Wars campaign which was good but not an ideal. In the past month we polished every aspect of the campaign, adding missing video scenes, fixing multiple discovered issues and even bugs encountered in the original game. But this is not everything, we added a full support of The Price of Loyalty campaigns! So now you could enjoy playing all 6 campaigns originally present in HoMM2.

fheroes2 General Announcements Pol11

The list of new features for this release includes an extended display of number of days in cursors, added shadows for magic book and showing double shadow for 2-hex monsters in the battle. You can easily plan your move without guessing where the creature will move at. Also if want to see how many creatures were in your army at the beginning of the battle or how powerful and useful your hero is you could open Hero Screen right from the battle!

fheroes2 General Announcements Cursor11
fheroes2 General Announcements Double11
fheroes2 General Announcements Hero_s11
fheroes2 General Announcements Magic_11

Additionally, we improve overall performance and now it's up to 30% faster than previous version. Also the game consumes much less resources which is a way to deploy the game on portable devices in the future  fheroes2 General Announcements 783017101

At last but not at least, we added a fully optional installer on Windows making the game installation easy and intuitive. Unix users receive an updated script for installation as well. Please note that from this version the game will store all save files in a separate place: for Windows it's user profile directory, for Unix it's XGD directory.  Superior Scroll

As usual our team fixed over 100 bugs, polishing AI, fixing many logical issues and UI defects.

We hope that you would like to play the updated game and stay tuned for more exciting news in the future! fheroes2 General Announcements 2219019649

Uhm, dodge, Unknown_Hero, Jachu, ihhub and sirDranik like this post

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Registration Date : 2020-07-26

fheroes2 General Announcements Empty
PostSubject: Re: fheroes2 General Announcements   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2021-07-12, 02:37

Hi, Heroes of Might & Magic II fans and players!

We're presenting 0.9.5 version of fheroes2 project with many changes!  Paralyze

First of all, we added Monster Description information for every creature with special abilities. This change is extremely useful for newcomers and even for pro players who want to refresh their knowledge.

fheroes2 General Announcements Bone_d10

fheroes2 General Announcements Crusad10

Secondly, we fixed a lot of issues being presented with object passabilities on the World Map. Sometimes players were unable to progress with certain maps due to aforementioned problems. Now the project has the same logic as in the original game. Besides this some logic with object interaction was fixed as well.

On top of this a huge amount of work was given for AI improvement.  Haste  This is how the old AI behaved on a map:

fheroes2 General Announcements 0_9_4_10

and this is the progress of the latest AI on the exactly same map and under exactly same conditions:

fheroes2 General Announcements 0_9_5_10

As you can see AI explored and conqured much more than before.

A small but useful feature was added to the game: all scrollbars now support continuous scrolling while holding arrow buttons.
We also dedicated some time for fixing music related issues, adding missing features of campaigns such as scenario restart or Bane / Alliance monster behavior. fheroes2 General Announcements 502415274

Overall we managed to fix more than 70 bugs!

We hope that you'll enjoy the game! fheroes2 General Announcements 2792972323

GodRage, dodge, Unknown_Hero, Jachu, ihhub, sirDranik, MartiusR and Nigel like this post

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Registration Date : 2020-07-29

fheroes2 General Announcements Empty
PostSubject: Re: fheroes2 General Announcements   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2021-08-15, 02:31

Dear supporters and fans of HoMM 2!

Great news: fheroes2 is updated to 0.9.6 version! As usual we spent a huge amount of time polishing the code to make it more stable and less error-prone. However, this is just a normal thing to say.fheroes2 General Announcements 1f605

First of all, we boosted translation support in the project. Starting from now you can enjoy the gameplay in Polish, French or Russian languages.
Russian Warlock  French Sorceress  Poland Necro
fheroes2 General Announcements Polish11
fheroes2 General Announcements Russia11

Our team decided to translate things in the most efficient way - manually with multiple members involving in the process. In this case we could easily spot any mistakes in the texts even which were present in the original HoMM II game. Please remember in order to play with translation you have to own the original game of this language. Translation to other languages will come very soon.

We also made few quality of life improvements in this release. One of them is cursor shadow display for 2-hex monsters during the battle. Now a player will know the position of a monster to be taken while attacking  Haste .
fheroes2 General Announcements Cell_h10

Another important improvement is a new configuration dialog which allows to switch between languages (if supported by the game resources), change game resolution and access experimental options (under development).
fheroes2 General Announcements Config10

Besides this we added support of Nintendo Switch game console.

Lastly, the goal of fheroes2 is not only to create Heroes of Might and Magic II engine but to make a memorable and enjoyable add-on for the game. We would like to tell that the work has been started and we already have some changes for game graphics, campaign scenario script is partially written and we're working on new songs to be a part of the game. Evnt  
More details will be shared later. Wink

Also, we fixed more than 60 bugs! Positive moral

Enjoy the game and be ready for more exciting news in the future!

GodRage, Mefista, dodge, rrravyn, Unknown_Hero, Jachu, ihhub and sirDranik like this post

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Registration Date : 2020-07-26

fheroes2 General Announcements Empty
PostSubject: Re: fheroes2 General Announcements   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2021-09-13, 01:33

Heroes of Might and Magic II players, fans and supporters!

We're presenting you a new version of fheroes2 - 0.9.7 which as usual includes a lot of changes!

In the last few months the team spent enormous amount of efforts for code optimization and preparation for the upcoming add-on. We finally touched the original resources and finished the missing part of Farm building in Knight castle.  fheroes2 General Announcements 2194728601  Here how it was before:

fheroes2 General Announcements Farm_b11

and now it looks like this (a fully complete independent building):

fheroes2 General Announcements Farm11

Besides this we modified Captain Quarters in Necromancer castle to be logically more accurate. The original image had a bridge which was leading to emptiness in case of being built in a town.

fheroes2 General Announcements Captai11

and this is how it looks right now:

fheroes2 General Announcements Captai10

The team also made a simple but useful change: you can view the full name of a save file, the name of the map being played and save file location within your device. Just right click by mouse on any save file to view the dialog. This was done based on the given feedback to ease real file findings.

fheroes2 General Announcements Save_f10

This month we put a lot of resources into translation of the game into other languages. Besides heavy polishing French and Polish translations we introduced basic support for German language!  English Knight  Russian Warlock  French Sorceress  Poland Necro  German necro

On top of this AI was significantly improved in this release  Haste . We fixed some logic in battles related to pathfinding algorithm and AI behavior, and AI heroes right now have their own classes making them to cooperate within a kingdom in a more efficient way. Fighters will focus on battles while Hunters well... will do everything Smile

As usual our team fixed more than 60 bugs since 0.9.6.

We hope that you enjoy the game! Thank you very much for being our players!  fheroes2 General Announcements 2219019649

You can also support the project on Patreon.

GodRage, Mefista, dodge, Unknown_Hero, Jachu, ihhub and sirDranik like this post

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Registration Date : 2020-07-26

fheroes2 General Announcements Empty
PostSubject: Re: fheroes2 General Announcements   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2021-10-14, 03:38

Dear fans and players of Heroes of Might & Magic II!

We're pleased to present you 0.9.8 version of fheroes2 project!

In this release we put a lot of efforts to fix remaining issues with object passabilities to make the logic exactly the same as in the original game. Most of known issues in this area are fixed. But this is just bug fixing portion. We also enhanced our AI to interact with teleports, Pyramids and be more efficient for castle and other heroes interactions bringing more challenge to the game. Haste

The team doesn't forget to add new quality of life changes to the game: we added an icon indicator for the type of map (The Succession Wars or The Price of Loyalty) as per request from players. This change gives more information about the map and which objects might appear there. Crystal  Mercury

fheroes2 General Announcements Map_ty10

Another feature which was missing before is to highlight cells of an attack for a creature with two-cells attack. Now every movement during the battle has proper cell highlighting. Blind

fheroes2 General Announcements Breath10

We also added a very useful feature: displaying spell description in monster's window. During the battle just open an ally's monster windows with a spell applied on it and right-click on the icon to see the description of the spell.

fheroes2 General Announcements Blinde10
fheroes2 General Announcements Blinde11

On top of this, the team added very useful content: Windows users can now have video scenes from DOS version of the game. During installation you can opt to unpack required resources from the original game in order to have full experience gameplay.  fheroes2 General Announcements 2792972323

We wish that you'd like the updated version of the game and thank you so much for playing the game!  Ally win

You can also support the project on Patreon.

GodRage, dodge, Unknown_Hero, Jachu, ihhub and sirDranik like this post

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Registration Date : 2020-07-26

fheroes2 General Announcements Empty
PostSubject: Re: fheroes2 General Announcements   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2021-11-10, 01:55

Dear fans of Heroes of Might and Magic 2!

We're very pleased to announce 0.9.9 of fheroes2 with a lot of changes and new things to show. Firstly, we added missing part of Captain's Quarters in Barbarian castle. This is how the building looks in the original game:
fheroes2 General Announcements Missin10

and this is how it looks in fheroes2:
fheroes2 General Announcements Fixed_10

Secondly, Cave in Warlock castle is not rendered anymore when it's not built but Waterfall is. Another thing is that Captain's Quarters in Warlock castle has blurred road and incorrect rendering of Moat. This is how Warlock castle looks before:
fheroes2 General Announcements Warloc11

and this is its current look:
fheroes2 General Announcements Warloc10

We also invested a lot of time fixing many issues with AI: now it uses objects more efficient and can interact with Alchemist Tower and Sphinx. AI heroes are now more rational in visiting objects. From logic side we fixed numerous places with object passabilities. It's not an easy task to do but we fixed many cases with diagonal moves, shadows being impassible, water action objects and Reefs. fheroes2 General Announcements 783017101

Small but interesting feature: the team added support of devices with resolution lower than the original so we're expanding the list of devices where fheroes2 can be run. Also we added missing resolutions in the resolution list so players can have more options, especially while playing on a wide screen.

A very useful feature which was added to this release are buttons for switching between castles within castle construction screen. So you don't need to go through every castle and open the construction screen to build something, then move to another castle, open the construction screen and again and again...  Left arrow  Right arrow
fheroes2 General Announcements Castle10

As usual our hardworking team fixed over 70 bugs since 0.9.8 release.

We really hope that you enjoy the changes made in this release and like the game even more!  fheroes2 General Announcements 2219019649

You can also support the project on Patreon.

GodRage, Mefista, dodge, Unknown_Hero, Jachu, ihhub and sirDranik like this post

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Registration Date : 2020-07-26

fheroes2 General Announcements Empty
PostSubject: Re: fheroes2 General Announcements   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2021-12-12, 03:21

Dear players of Heroes of Might and Magic II!

After a difficult month of development we're extremely happy to announce 0.9.10 version of the project. Even having many obstacles with development during this release we made many interesting and important changes.

As a part of this release we made a separate wiki page where you can check all features and enhancements of fheroes2 project. The list is still under development but most of things are already there. Open magical book

Coming to release itself, first of all, from now any version of the game includes minimum 4 languages to be chosen: English, French, German and Polish. These languages will appear even for a demo version of the game. We still need to polish the characters for each language and soon we'll update all of them. Besides this based on a huge demand on our community we'll add Russian as a start language. It's planned for the next release. This is how a language selection looks like using demo version of HoMM2:
fheroes2 General Announcements Langua10

Secondly, we made several small but important changes in many places across the game: fixing text position in many dialogs, battle grid rendering, showing heroes on mini map (very useful feature to know where your and your opponent's heroes are) and we even added missing video playback in the Price of Loyalty campaign selection window:
fheroes2 General Announcements Pol_se10

The team spent a lot of time improving AI behavior for spell casting during battle, fixing its inability to land on a beach, fixing passabilities with water objects and Dimension Door, fixing pathfinding and terrain penalties and even updating troop splitting logic. Positive moral

Lastly, we expanded our list of supported translations: we added Italian language. We also added missing translations for multiple places. Overall, the team fixed more than 60 bugs since the previous release! Armageddon

We hope that you'll enjoy a new version of the game!

You can also support the project on Patreon.

GodRage, Mefista, dodge, Unknown_Hero, Jachu, ihhub and sirDranik like this post

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PostSubject: Re: fheroes2 General Announcements   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2022-01-04, 12:07

Dear players of Heroes of Might and Magic 2!

Up to the end of the year we're announcing 0.9.11 release of fheroes2 project! We decided to divert from the original release schedule and bring a little surprise for your for the upcoming holidays.

In this release as announced previously we added full support of Russian language out of the box which means that you can select Russian for any version of the original game.  Russian Warlock
Before this change it was almost impossible to get an official Russian translation of HoMM2 but now you can purchase any official version of the game and enjoy playing it in your native language. All Russian language letters are generated on the fly by our engine from English letters. Moreover, from now French language contains proper letters for any version of the game. Support of other languages will be added in the upcoming releases.

fheroes2 General Announcements Russia13

Another important feature which was added for this release is extended spell description for heroes.  fheroes2 General Announcements 3247341221
From now on you don't need to calculate how much damage a certain spell will do or how many Elementals you can summon during the battle. Just open the spell description window and check the outcome.

fheroes2 General Announcements Spell_15

We also added a map information popup window while right clicking on a map in the list of maps. This window shows the location of the file and map type: either "The Succession Wars" or "The Price of Loyalty" so players can easily find these files on their machines. Foremost Scroll

fheroes2 General Announcements Map_in11

Besides this the team fixed AI behavior during castle defense, updated logic with roads, fixed many places for rendering and even added support of national symbols as a part of path on Windows. Overall the team managed in a such short period to fix more than 20 bugs.

Thank you very much for your valuable support and contribution of the project! We hope that you'll enjoy the game!

GodRage, Mefista, dodge, Unknown_Hero, Jachu and ihhub like this post

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PostSubject: Re: fheroes2 General Announcements   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2022-02-13, 02:25

Dear fans of Heroes of Might and Magic II!

We're proud to announce a new version of fheroes2 - 0.9.12! We delayed the release by few days to polish several things which we hope you'd enjoy.

Starting from the very beginning, in this release AI significantly improved on the map and during battle. Now AI heroes are able to create complex path through terrains and water and even through whirlpools. No more wandering around heroes. Attack and retaliation during battle was fixed as well and monster behavior under certain spells. AI behaves now even more efficient.

Next, we fixed remaining issues with object passabilities  Nomad Boots . These issues required a lot of time to understand how it works in the original game and fully replicate logic. So from now you won't encounter issues when your hero cannot pass to a certain location unless it's made by a map creator on purpose.

We improved army order setting by changing to proper UI and making this as a battle option. Now you can easily toggle the option based on your preference. Slow
fheroes2 General Announcements Army_o11

The team also put enormous efforts into translation. We added generation of German letters for any version of the game and also updated translation for Russian, Polish, French and German. Besides this we fixed several places of missed or incorrect translation of texts.

Lastly, we added betrayal scenario for Roland  Hero win  and Archibald Hero lost campaigns where players can switch side and play for the opposite Lord. The team fixed few other small issues related to campaigns so you can enjoy playing it even more.
fheroes2 General Announcements Betray10

Also there were some useful changes related to battle. For example now you can view dead monsters stats while pointing their corpses on a battlefield.  fheroes2 General Announcements 492241716
fheroes2 General Announcements Dead_u10
fheroes2 General Announcements Dead_u11

Thank you very much for your invaluable support of the project and being fans and players of the game!

You can still support our team in future expansion development via Patreon

GodRage, Uhm, dodge, Unknown_Hero, Jachu, ihhub and sirDranik like this post

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PostSubject: Re: fheroes2 General Announcements   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2022-03-11, 20:27

Dear players and fans of Heroes of Might and Magic 2!

We are extremely happy to announce a new version of fheroes2 project - 0.9.13.

After a month of hard work and many hours spent on the project we as always have something to show. This release is a special as it contains a very unique feature - text support for people with vision issues. Enabling this mode makes the game to output all necessary information in a text format within a console window. Such data can be easily read by any text-to-speech conversion tool giving players the ability to enjoy the game.  Blind
This feature is still in progress.
fheroes2 General Announcements Text_s10

Next, we added popup windows within campaign scenario window, especially for awards and scenario choices. Many players don't know what these items mean and guessing is not a right way to make a proper choice. Now you can right click on them to get extra description of the item. Nomad Boots  Cure   Gold coins
fheroes2 General Announcements Awards10

We also made a lot of changes in AI behavior: it became more rational in hero recruitment, developing castles, making tactical decisions during battles and on map. The team closed multiple sound and music related issues like missing sounds for some objects on map or incorrect music being played for a terrain.

Moreover, we introduced scalable scrollbars within the whole game. Now it is more intuitive to understand how many items are in a list. We also reworked most of dialogs: now icons within standard dialogs are clickable by a right mouse button so players can get more information about a specific artifact, spell or even resource while interacting with an object.
fheroes2 General Announcements Scroll10

Lastly, we added Czech language support for the official version of HoMM2 so players can finally get full information from maps made for this version of the game.  Czech Hero
Besides this, the team fixed multiple general translation issues.

As usual, the team fixed more than 50 bugs of an old project and improved tons of code for future changes.

We hope that you would enjoy the game and thanks a lot for your enormous support!

You could also support the project development on Patreon.

GodRage, Mefista, dodge, Unknown_Hero, Jachu, ihhub and sirDranik like this post

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PostSubject: Re: fheroes2 General Announcements   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2022-04-12, 07:38

Dear players and fans of Heroes of Might and Magic 2!

Another month has passed and as usual we are presenting to you a new version of fheroes2 project - 0.9.14! We are getting close to 1.0 release and putting all efforts to make it happen as soon as possible.

In this release the team made huge changes in translation support. We added in-game font generation for Norwegian and Italian languages and also updated most of translations.
fheroes2 General Announcements Langua11

Additionally, we fixed Battle Only button for many languages.
fheroes2 General Announcements French10

fheroes2 General Announcements Polish12

Artifact based logic fheroes2 General Announcements 1041123753   Wizard's Hat and code was completely reworked fixing many places of incorrect effects from artifacts and even missing bonuses. Artifact related logic works exactly as in the original code. With new changes it would be very easy to add new artifacts into the game or modify their abilities opening huge possibilities for modding.

AI has become smarter as well! We optimized AI decisions on spells, castle construction priorities and AI now can use Dimension Door... Dimension Door
Do not be surprised if an AI hero may jump out from nowhere.
fheroes2 General Announcements Dimens10

We also fixed multiple issues with monster growth, surrender cost and movement logic during battles. On top of this the team completed work for native macOS application support but we need to sort out digital signing for it.
Lastly, we added support for MP3 and FLAC in-game music file formats. Rock!

As usual the team fixed more than 50 bugs since the last release.

We really hope that you would enjoy the game!

You could also support the project development on Patreon.

GodRage, Uhm, dodge, Unknown_Hero, Jachu, Blake01, ihhub and sirDranik like this post

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PostSubject: Re: fheroes2 General Announcements   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2022-05-10, 03:18

Dear fans, players and supporters of Heroes of Might and Magic II!

Another month of our team productive work has passed and we are announcing fheroes2 - 0.9.15!

This release is filled with new features introduced recently.

First of all, we added missing Black & White cursor support to fheroes2. Now some players can enjoy the perfection of monochrome graphics.

Secondly, the team fully redesigned hotkey integration and added a separate window where players can check all hotkeys used in the game.
Speaking of windows in the game: we expanded the configuration window so players can tune sound and music directly within the Main Menu, and also to access Hotkeys window, toggle cursor type and even toggle Text Support Mode which was added some time ago.
fheroes2 General Announcements Expand10

fheroes2 General Announcements Hotkey10

Besides the usual work on polishing campaigns and fixing any issues within them we upgraded the popup windows for awards and bonuses in the campaign window. Now every player would know what to expect and how to plan the strategy to win the next scenario.
fheroes2 General Announcements Campai12

AI has not limits for perfection! In this release AI got to know View All spell usage giving it an advantage to see everything on the map (btw, same applies for humans). AI heroes are more keen to explore and uncover more areas instead of roaming around castles and open territory. Moreover, AI heroes can now properly navigate within narrow paths and they better manage mana consumption.

The range of supported languages is expanding too! In this release we added Ukrainian language with basic translation work being done. More work is ahead but this is a start. Other translations were not left untouched: we updated French, Russian, Polish and Norwegian languages.
fheroes2 General Announcements Ukrain10

And as usual the team polished the game by fixing numerous bugs with logic and drawings.

We hope that you would enjoy the game even more!
We're really grateful to everyone for supporting or participating in this project!

GodRage, Sir Albe, Uhm, Mefista, dodge, Unknown_Hero, Jachu and ihhub like this post

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PostSubject: Re: fheroes2 General Announcements   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2022-06-14, 23:47

Dear fans of Heroes of Might and Magic II!

As we promised few days before we are releasing a new version of fheroes2 game engine - 0.9.16. We made huge changes and we are eager to share details about them.

We reworked the whole source code related to audio. The first major change is that specific music tracks resume from the places where they were stopped, exactly how it is in the original game! For now this feature works only for External type of music such as OGG, FLAC and MP3 files, but we will expand it to MIDI tracks in the near future.
Secondly, all surrounding sounds on Adventure map are adjusted for every hero's step instead of being updated once per tile. This brings a gradual change of sounds during hero's walk. We also optimized sound management to be more efficient on low-end machines and removed very rare short sound "peaks". Additionally, the team fixed incorrect sounds for some objects and a small bonus: rocks in water with seagulls now have their own sound. Check them during the game play! 😉
fheroes2 General Announcements Seagul10
Lastly regarding audio, we added 3D Audio feature for objects on the map. Put your headphones on, walk your hero nearby a river or mine to feel the depth of sound!

Based on the newly added feature the list of options in configuration was changed as well and all audio options are now grouped separately.
fheroes2 General Announcements Ezgif_73

AI in this release became much faster and smarter. We significantly improved AI calculations by caching needed data without reducing the complexity of the logic. AI heroes are now aware of special map's conditions: they will attack a castle which is a loss condition for a human player, much more aggressively or defend their hero so it is harder for a player to defeat it.

Our team improved some graphical features of the game. Did you notice that Knight and Wizard castles always have light blue flags? Now these flags have the same color as the owner of the castle.
fheroes2 General Announcements Knight10fheroes2 General Announcements Wizard10

With the power of the engine we were able to fix Red Tower in Sorceress castle. The original resources contain an image, that lack some parts of the structure.
fheroes2 General Announcements Ezgif_72

Not bad for an image being completely generated by the application? 🙂 Notice the rainbow behind the Tower.

And here is another example where the original resources were incorrect: captain's quarters icon in Sorceress castle.
fheroes2 General Announcements Ezgif_71

The team fixed High Scores for campaign, closed many issues with spells, updated multiple existing translations and added Belarusian, Spanish and Swedish languages support.

As usual we fixed more than 40 bugs since the last release.
So do not waste time anymore and download the latest version of the project. We hope that you enjoy the game!

GodRage, dodge, Unknown_Hero, Jachu, Blake01, ihhub and sirDranik like this post

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PostSubject: Re: fheroes2 General Announcements   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2022-07-13, 22:57

Dear fans and players of Heroes of Might & Magic 2!

After a month of hard work with some unexpected disruptions in development we are happy to announce a brand new version of fheroes2 - 0.9.17.
This release was focused mainly on audio and AI but not only.

Audio was significantly improved since the previous release. We fixed issues with MIDI music playback delays on Adventure Map, multiple possible crashes with audio synchronization, extra sounds appearance in castle's window and etc. Such cases were very rare but nobody likes a buggy game.
As a bonus Freeman's Foundry now has its own ambient sound on Adventure Map. Walk your hero nearby it to hear!
fheroes2 General Announcements Foundr10

"Evil" interface finally got some proper attention. In the original game this type of interface was applied only to a limited number of dialogs. We expanded the list and made some windows to have a proper "evil" look. Death wave
fheroes2 General Announcements Well10

AI has been greatly enhanced in this release. The team added a new Courier role for AI heroes to focus on supplies delivery for more stronger heroes. AI now is smart enough to use Adventure Spells efficiently and also to estimate the number of needed heroes for the kingdom.
Lastly, AI will defend its castle more aggressively instead of leaving them empty and defenseless.

As per many player requests we added an ability to change hotkeys for in-game events within the game.  Foremost Scroll  Now you can set any combinations to improve your gameplay skills.
fheroes2 General Announcements Hotkey11

Besides this the team fixed multiple places with logic on Adventure Map, closed some visual issues with dialogs and improved translation for multiple languages.
As usual we fixed more than 40 bugs since the last release. We hope that you would enjoy the game and thank you very much for your support!

You could also support the project development on Patreon.

GodRage, Sir Albe, dodge, Unknown_Hero, Jachu, ihhub and NomtheGreat like this post

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PostSubject: Re: fheroes2 General Announcements   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2022-08-15, 00:46

Dear supporters and fans of Heroes of Might and Magic 2!

Today we are excited to announce a new release of fheroes2 - 0.9.18! This release is a bit unusual in terms of visual representation but it contains a lot of important changes.

The first thing which the team was fixing is audio. As you remember we made significant changes in the code to push audio on the next level. In this release we polished things to make it even better. Windows OS players were facing a lot of issues related to MIDI music: fading sounds, inability to restart songs where they being stopped, or even crashes on Windows 8. We added new sound font package to fix all these issues so you can enjoy music in full power. This applies only for SDL 2 build.

The second thing which closed over 40 bugs is a new rendering system for Adventure Map. Old rendering system was full of issues such as heroes being visible through mountains, boats Summon boat  being rendered over other objects, monsters being seen over fog. Now most of these issues are gone.
fheroes2 General Announcements Ezgif_76

fheroes2 General Announcements Ezgif_77

This new rendering system allows us to progress towards new map format, in-built map editor and also to easily add new objects on Adventure Map.

We also fixed multiple issues with amount of monsters in objects, their distribution during battle, Diplomacy rules and other small but important logical situations. The team updated Polish, Bulgarian, Russian and Hungarian translations.
We hope that you enjoy this more polished release which is very close to 1.0 release.

You could also support the project development on Patreon.

GodRage, dodge, Unknown_Hero, Jachu and ihhub like this post

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PostSubject: Re: fheroes2 General Announcements   fheroes2 General Announcements Icon_minitime2022-09-15, 00:16

Dear fans of Heroes of Might and Magic 2!

As usual we are presenting a new release of fheroes2 - 0.9.19. In this release we put extra effort to polish some cases of rendering on Adventure Map. Besides this we fixed few issues with Mini-map and also View Towns spell show properly rendered castles.

The release brings a new feature to make the game even more attractive for everyone: an option to auto-finish the battle by instantly bringing results of it from where the player left. Armageddon  This is very useful for battles when the outcome is obvious and you just want to skip a boring part of it. Default hotkey for this is Q.
fheroes2 General Announcements Finish10

Army exchange was improved to make the experience more pleasant. You can use arrows in hero meeting dialog to move whole army with a selected stack. grouped stacks  spaced stacks  Give it a try.

AI was updated as well: the team fixed cases when AI heroes were wandering non-stop around one place, and enhanced artifact evaluation by AI heroes making their strategy more efficient.

The release also brings a major change which would be welcomed by long-time players as well as those who are new to the game. The team added difficulty level for campaigns.  Castle lost You can select between Easy, Normal or Hard. The difference between these modes is in AI behavior. If you feel that a campaign is too hard to complete, you can lower the difficulty and try again.
fheroes2 General Announcements Diffic10

This change not only adds a new difficulty button but also paves a way for the add-on changes because we added an algorithm to generate any possible buttons without even having resources for the font. It unblocks the work for translation team also. Soon you will see buttons being also translated to other languages.

Besides these changes the team updated translations for multiple languages and made small tweaks in UI to make the game even better.
Thank you very much for your support and contribution! We hope that you enjoy the game!

You could also support the project development on Patreon.

GodRage, Mefista, dodge, Unknown_Hero, Jachu, DanilaRud015, ihhub and Zense like this post

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